Monday, July 1, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

152: Mitochondrial Dysfunction Is a Root Cause to Fatigue, Weight Gain and Brain Fog w/ Dr Michael

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What we’re talking about in this episode

Learn what mitochondria are and what happens when they are dysfunctioning 
Why consistently eating and sitting could be negatively impacting your mitochondria
Ways that you can diagnose mitochondrial dysfunction and what to do about it
How to support mitochondrial function with tried and tested protocols 
Natural recommendations to help you put your mitochondria back in the driver’s seat

  Episode Summary Did you know that chronic fatigue is not caused by our adrenal glands? The problem actually starts in your limbic brain, and can usually be attributed to mitochondrial dysfunction. Your mitochondria are running the show when it comes to the energy in every single cell in your body, so it is crucial that you understand how best to take care of them.

Mitochondrial dysfunction can be the root cause of fatigue, weight gain, brain fog and more. Aboard-certified pathologist, laboratory medicine certified medical practitioner, author and mitochondria specialist, Dr. Michael T Chang has gone through his own journey with mitochondrial dysfunction and is passionate about sharing his knowledge. 

Gut health and mitochondrial function are often found as the underlying cause of most chronic conditions as well as signs of advanced aging. Today Dr. Chang is here to explain this common condition that may account for many of your symptoms and teach you how to get a handle on your toxin level through simple lifestyle changes. 

Your mitochondria are designed to work for you, and when you are able to break down your health on the cellular level you can learn what is possible when it comes to our natural energy. Are you willing to treat your mitochondria right in order to live a long and healthy life? Share which of Dr. Chang’s recommendations you are looking forward to trying first in the comments on the episode page !

Quotes “When there is a danger to the body, from external or internal forces, such as infections, inflammations, chemicals, toxins, etc. They shut off the energy production in the mitochondria and that is when we get into trouble.” (14:35)

“Its kind of like the exhaust in your car, as you are burning fuel you produce exhaust in the form of free radicals. So we have to be really careful, especially using glucose, sugars, its not a clean fuel compared to burning ketones, which produces a lot less of these free radicals. So it is kind of like a cleaner-burning fuel using ketones.” (17:42)

“The degeneration or the dysfunction of the mitochondria underly all chronic diseases including Alzheimers and cancers, and also the whole aging process.” (18:36)

“You gotta basically produce enough energy and then use it up in the form of activity. If you don’t, then the free radicals will build up and that is really going to damage the mitochondria further.” (27:50)

“I feel that functional medicine is particularly useful as an approach to this problem because it looks for the root cause.” (31:01)

Resources Mentioned Mitochondrial Dysfunction by Dr. Michael T Chang

Healed and Whole Clinic Website

Follow Dr. Michael T Chang on Facebook  

EY 122: Why Adrenal Fatigue Is A Myth

EY 125: Ari Whitten

The Smart Moms Guide to Essential Oils

Other Resources: Check out the full show notes page

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