Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

2016 Functional Medicine CME: Fibromyalgia, Microbiome, Dysbiosis, Mitochondria, Pain Management

— Digital ebook: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01KMZZLAQ/
— Printed Protocols: http://bit.ly/InflamMastery4thEd
— Large PDF sample with photos: http://inflammationmastery.com/edition4/photos.pdf
— Nutrition and Functional Medicine: http://bit.ly/AmazonICHNFM
Ebooks via the free Kindle software for phones, iPad, and computers:
— Diet: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01FYCUTHW Now available for $1
— Migraine: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01AS15XZW
— Fibromyalgia: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01AS1ZKPA
— Antiviral Immune Nutrition: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00OPJXMTS
— mTOR: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00TVT5YK2/
— Mitochondrial nutrition: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00PGA3YJ8
Copyright © 2004-present by Alex Vasquez and ICHNFM.ORG. All rights reserved and enforced. No part of these videos/books may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, used for the creation of derivative works, or transmitted by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise). Trademarks: ® 2013-present by Alex Vasquez. The functional immunology/inflammology protocol discussed in this series of videos/notes/books/audios is recalled by the F.I.N.D.S.E.X. acronym trademarked™ in association with Dr Vasquez’s books and videos including but not limited to Functional Immunology and Nutritional Immunomodulation (2012), F.I.N.D. S.E.X. The Easily Remembered Acronym for the Functional Inflammology Protocol (2013), Integrative Rheumatology and Inflammation Mastery, 3rd Edition (2014), and more recent works. Additional trademarks referenced/cited in this work may include International College of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine®, International Conference on Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine®, and International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine® in Spain and United States of America.


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