Sunday, July 7, 2024
Cold Thermogenesis

Cold Showers are a GAME CHANGER // Why Cold Showers Belong in your Morning Routine

Cold showers have become a crucial part of my morning routine that I try to do every day. They have made a big difference in how I start my day – Here’s why you should try adding this to your morning routine too.

The Effect of Cold Showering on Health and Work: A Randomized Controlled Trial


Who am I?

My name is Vlad Gladtskov and during my day-job, I’m a healthcare technology consultant in a role focused on product management and data analytics.

Outside of that, I’m passionate about self-improvement, health, fitness, nutrition, and I am constantly reflecting on how I can continue to grow every day. This channel is intended to share those reflections and provide actionable takeaways that have helped me, for your own self-growth.

#MorningRoutine #ColdShower #Goals #Healthy #Morning #WimHof #Fitness


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