Sunday, July 7, 2024
Cold Thermogenesis

Apollo Cardiology and #75Hard Update

Apollo Cardiology and #75Hard Update

Today is day 36 of 75 for my second time through #75Hard

I get a lot of questions about the program

It’s a mental conditioning program

It’s helped me stay focused on building out my health optimizing preventive cardiology practice (@apollocardiology)

Today was a planning day for the future of the practice

Looking forward to adding some new testing capabilities that will look at your mitochondrial efficiency and health

Future Monday Night Topics:

Weight loss – it’s not calories in/calories out. I’ll teach you about the circadian way I think about weight. Will hit upon leptin, optimal protein intake, and a little about an isotope of hydrogen called deuterium that you may not have heard about

MaxPulse – Pulse Wave Analysis. How stiff are your arteries?

Cold Thermogenesis (CT) – How to use cold therapy to improve your health

#75hard #apollocardiology #weightloss #mitochondria #circadian #coldthermogenesis


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