Thursday, May 9, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Explain it! Mitochondria

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In this video, I chat with Rebeca Acin-Perez, PhD about all things mitochondria – these fascinating parts of our cells that not only produce energy for our body, but also decide how our metabolism works!

Rebeca studies how mitochondria communicate with different parts of the cell (they’re actually quite “social”!) to understand their role in various diseases. Check out some of her work here:

Video Map:
00:18 What are mitochondria?
01:10 Example of mitochondria changing our metabolism during fasting
01:53 Mitochondria activity & functions differ depending on what tissue they’re in!
02:32 Mitochondria used to be an independent bacteria (a LONG time ago)
03:17 Rebeca’s mitochondria & health research
04:01 Mitochondria are social!
05:04 Effect of eating late on circadian rhythms/mitochondria/metabolism
06:33 How mitochondria keeps us warm (it’s all about the brown fat)
07:16 Tricking white fat to think it’s brown fat an an approach to treating obesity
07:40 Can Rebeca explain how an evil mitochondrial entity managed to burn people up in one of Mariya’s favorite 90’s video games
08:26 What would Rebeca like to learn more about? Immunotherapy!

NOTE: “Mitochondria” is plural (single = mitochondrion), but since mitochondria act as a collective in most cells I also refer to them as a unit throughout the video!

Filming location: Los Angeles, CA
Chat host & producer: Mariya Vizireanu, PhD

#mitochondria #explainitlikeim10 #powerhouseofthecell


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