Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Clinical Considerations of Chronic Candidiasis

Various candida organisms can be a normal inhabitant of the digestive system and part of our microbiome in low levels. However, candida has the potential to overpopulate the bowel leading to various symptoms of bloating, gas, constipation, etc. Candida can also become invasive within the digestive system leading to leaky gut increase immune activity and systemic reactivity. This lecture will highlight unique aspects of candidiasis, including certain pathogenicity mechanisms, laboratory tests, and treatment interventions.

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Practitioners can continue learning by registering for a GPL Academy Workshop. CME is available and one FREE Organic Acids Test is available for qualified practitioners: https://www.gplworkshops.com/

The Great Plains Laboratory is a world leader in metabolic, mitochondrial, and environmental-factor diagnostics. We offer state-of-the-art testing for nutritional and environmental factors in chronic conditions; tests which are designed to find the root cause of the medical condition affecting the patient.


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