Sunday, July 7, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Archaeologists Reveal Secrets of Modern Human Origins and Extinctions

In this video, we’re going to be discussing a few controversial topics: Magnetic Pole Reversals, Neanderthal Extinction, Human Evolution, Homoerectus, and the Real Adam and Eve story, not the book written by Chan Thomas.

Are these topics fact or fiction? You be the judge! After watching this video, you’ll have a better understanding of these controversial topics and will be able to make an informed opinion.

One of the biggest mysteries of human evolution is the sudden divergence of ancient human lineages, and when studying the ancient past, one time period comes up repeatedly. Near the birth of humanity 800,000 years ago The Earth’s Magnetic Field broke down, leading to the eventual rise of modern humans.

As we will see, around 790,000 years ago, the earth suffered several millennia of horrific conditions caused by a reversal of the Earth’s magnetic poles and a meteor impact. Indeed, the last permanent magnetic field reversal occurred approximately 790,000 years ago, but it came dangerously close to reversing only 42,000 years ago.

Another mystery of human evolution is the extinction of the Neanderthals. Prior to 39,000 years ago, Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans coexisted in Western Europe for 2,000 to 5,000 years, supporting the theory that competition contributed to Neanderthal extinction. Brief cold and dry climates in Europe have been considered as another possible stressor for Neanderthals.

0:00 The Neanderthal Extinction
7:30 The Meteor Strike and Homoerectus
10:55 The Rise of Homosapiens


#conspiracy #exinctions #evolution


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