Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

1 Hour Patreon-Only & 1.5 Hours Public Vigorous Q&A Feb 25th, 2023

0:00:00 – Patreon-Only Vigorous Q&A Live Starts!
0:00:20 – Best PEDs For Drug-Tested Powerlifters?
0:03:55 – What’s The Real Half-Life Of Enanthate Ester?
0:05:45 – How Do AAS Affect Mitochondrial Function?
0:07:12 – Nitric Oxide Supplementation Benefits
0:08:13 – How To Increase PEDs When Progress Stalls?
0:10:03 – Is Muscle Gaining Potential Genetics-Dependant?
0:11:26 – DHT & MK-677 To Gain Height As A Teenager
0:13:25 – IP-6 Vs. Enalapril To Reduce Hematocrit
0:15:49 – Take Aromatase Inhibitors In The Morning Or Evening?
0:17:30 – Nebivolol, HCG, Aromasin, Diindolylmethane & Calcium D-Glucarate Discussion
0:20:45 – How High Is Too High For High-Sensitivity; C-Reactive Protein?
0:21:17 – Does Dihydroboldenone (DHB) Improve Insulin Sensitivity?
0:21:55 – Highest Acceptable Hematocrit Levels?
0:23:11 – Long-Term Usage Of Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 (GLP-1) Receptors Agonists
0:25:40 – Are Seed Oils Deleterious For Mitochondrial Function?
0:27:36 – How To Fix Gout Caused By Beta-Blockers, Aspirin, NMN, etc.?
0:30:06 – Alpha-GPC & Huperzine-A As A Pre-Workout?
0:32:08 – Sleep Supplementation Discussion
0:36:04 – Coach Steve’s Recommended 5-Star Coaches
0:37:33 – Coming Off Completely To Reset The Dopaminergic System?
0:39:34 – Fixing Dark Circle Under Eyes Possible?
0:41:45 – Side-Effects Of Too High Pregnenolone Supplementation?
0:42:48 – Running T4 Year-Round?
0:44:08 – Cat Daddy Moment Nr.1
0:45:08 – Cooking With Coconut Water
0:49:12 – How Short Is Too Short For Gym Shorts? šŸ˜€
0:51:51 – Steve’s Secret Music Fetish…
0:54:17 – Better Results Pinning 3x Weekly Vs. Daily?
0:55:28 – Normal Hematocrit & High RBC Discussion
0:56:54 – Best Coffee Beans?
0:59:42 – Squirting Blood Post-Injection
1:01:08 – US FDA Banning Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN)
1:03:28 – The Best Testosterone To Estradiol Ratio
1:05:06 – Costs Of Living In Thailand?
1:06:50 – Public Vigorous Q&A Live Starts!
1:07:09 – How Do 19-Nortestosterone-Derivatives Raise Estradiol?
1:09:25 – Which Oxandrolone Brand Does Steve Use?
1:10:40 – How To Decrease Inflammation From Arachis Oil Pharmaceuticals?
1:12:48 – What’s Steve’s Favorite Fat Loss Stack?
1:13:55 – Irritability From HCG
1:15:30 – Chronic Fatigue Discussion
1:16:50 – Best Appetite Suppressants?
1:18:16 – Rotating Daily SubQ Injection Sites
1:20:35 – Is It Legal To Homebrew Gear In Thailand
1:22:10 – Best Methods To Lower Triglyceride Levels
1:22:59 – Best Places In Thailand?
1:25:30 – How To Build Ketogenic Diets For Clients?
1:28:33 – Collaborations With Non-Bodybuilding Podcasts?
1:31:05 – How To Use Berberine?
1:32:50 – Is Steve Natty?
1:32:35 – Acne On TRT Solutions
1:37:50 – Best Cycle To Prevent Hair Loss?
1:39:20 – Blasting Carnitine On TRT & TMAO Risks
1:42:01 – How To Stay Healthy On Long Cycles?
1:44:50 – DHT Cream Benefits?
1:48:50 – Low FODMAP Foods During The Offseason
1:49:59 – Topical Anti-Androgens For Hair Loss Prevention?
1:51:58 – Injury Recovery Peptide Protocols
1:53:45 – Scott Mc.Nally Crashing The Show!!
1:54:35 – Low Iron Levels Even With High Beef Intake??
1:54:07 – Intensity Vs. Volume
1:58:12 – Best Assistance Exercise For Bench Press?
1:58:56 – Test + Primo + Tren + GH For Cutting
2:01:14 – How To Get Social Media Famous
2:02:57 – Fluerencent Pee On TUDCA Supplementation?
2:05:43 – Long-Term Enclomiphene As Hormone Replacement?
2:07:18 – Recommendations To Recover From Myocarditis
2:09:37 – Biggest Impact On Steve’s Confidence?
2:13:10 – There’s Enough Room For Everybody On YouTube!
2:15:30 – Getting Shaken Down In Thailand?
2:19:27 – Top 5 Countries To Live In?
2:22:55 – Using Fadogia Agrestis On TRT?
2:23:44 – Opinion On Test-E + Anavar Cycle Duration?
2:24:26 – Ideal Clenbuterol Dose For Athletic Performance?
2:26:25 – How To Stay Full & Gain Size On A Cutting Phase?
2:29:23 – Elevated RBC & Hematocrit On TRT?
2:31:50 – Countries Steve Didn’t Like?
2:32:50 – Best Pre-Workout Pump Stack
2:34:30 – Crashed Estradiol From Overuse Of Aromasin & Clomid?
2:36:14 – Closing Thoughts

#VigorousSteve #VigorousQnA #AskMeAnything


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