Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Unlocking the Secrets of Preventing Aging – Part 1 and 2 with Dr. Aubrey De Grey

With his unique background and revolutionary approach to aging, Dr. Aubrey De Grey has upended conventional wisdom, sparking both intrigue and controversy as he seeks to extend healthy human life. But what will be the implications of his discoveries?
In this episode of Beauty and the BS with Dr. Peter Grossman, you will be able to:

1. Discover the significance of gerontology and biogerontology in addressing the aging process.

2. Understand engineered negligible senescence and its role in comprehensive periodic maintenance.

3. Explore how repairing molecular and cellular damage can counteract aging.

4. Learn about the potential of stem cell therapy as a cutting-edge damage repair strategy.

5. Delve into the controversy surrounding prolonged human life and the benefits it may hold.

Dr. Aubrey De Grey, a distinguished biomedical gerontologist, is a visionary in the field of aging research. His groundbreaking work has focused on finding ways to slow, prevent, and even reverse the aging process in humans and animals. As the founder of the SENS Research Foundation, Dr. De Grey has played a pivotal role in advancing the field of gerontology and biogerontology.

With a keen understanding of the complex interplay between molecular and cellular damage, he has developed innovative strategies for promoting healthier, longer lives. Dr. De Grey’s passion for exploring the possibilities of ageless living has led him to challenge conventional wisdom and inspire countless gerontologists to rethink their approach to aging.

Engineered Negligible Senescence
Engineered Negligible Senescence (ENS) seeks to prevent or reverse the aging process, focusing on the repair of cellular and molecular damage that accrues over time. The underlying principle is that our biological age, determined by the wear and tear our bodies undergo, can be slowed down and potentially extended through vigilant maintenance. The ultimate goal of ENS is not simply to prolong life for its own sake, but to increase health span, curtailing age-related illnesses such as Alzheimer’s, cancer, sarcopenia, and arthritis. Dr. Aubrey De Grey, a guest on the Beauty and the BS with Dr. Peter Grossman podcast, elaborated on the concept of ENS and its importance in addressing age-related health problems. Although his ideas faced resistance initially, De Grey remains confident in their potential benefits within his lifetime. By focusing on periodic, preventative maintenance, he believes it may be possible to delay the issues related to aging by 20 or 30 years, ultimately leading to longer, healthier lives.

About the Host, Dr. Peter Grossman:


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