Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Vigorous Q&A May 6th, 2023 | Actors Steroid Cycles, Berberine Vs Metformin, Phenibut, Pharma NMN?

TIMESTAMPS (by Álvaro J D):
0:00:00 – Livestream Starts! Housekeeping
0:07:35 – Thoughts On Using 4’7-Dihydroxyflavone To Attenuate Mitochondrial Uncoupling
0:11:00 – How To Push The Insulin On A Cut
0:16:00 – Berberine Vs Metformin
0:18:10 – How Long Does It Take For The Test/Epitestosterone Ratio To Get Skewed?
0:20:42 – Benefits Of Splitting HGH On The Off-Season
0:24:10 – Thoughts On SHBG Lowering After Stopping Proviron
0:26:00 – Thoughts On Nerve/Muscle Damage From Injections
0:28:20 – Thoughts On 500 IU Of rHCG 3x A Week As A Viable TRT Protocol
0:31:34 – Will Taking T4 Raise T3 Levels If There Are No Compounds To Raise Conversion Rate?
0:33:25 – Thoughts On Hair Safe Cycles
0:35:00 – Thoughts On Elevated Prolactin On Test And Masteron Cycle
0:37:05 – Thoughts On Mixing IGF-1 LR3 In The Same Vial As Injectable L-Carnitine
0:39:46 – Thoughts On Low-Dose Anavar For Women
0:41:41 – Opinion On Phenibut
0:44:40 – Do Pro Bodybuilders Lower HGH Dose On Prep?
0:46:49 – When We Will See The Endurance Video?
0:47:39 – Do High Profile Fake Natties Get Bloodwork Done With Their Real Names?
0:49:52 – Do You Need To Use Filters When Using Glass Ampules?
0:50:42 – Empower Pharmacy Issues With Low Potency
0:53:07 – How To Lower E2 While On TRT
0:55:03 – Thoughts On Heartburn After Taking Astragalus Root
0:55:45 – Thoughts On Reconstituting Ovitelle with 0.9% NaCL Vs BAC Water
0:58:21 – What Can Cause Uric Acid To Go Up And How To Control It
0:59:44 – How To Lower Resting Heart Rate
1:00:09 – Thoughts On Fasting, Is It Worth It?
1:01:26 – Thoughts On GHK-Cu For Skin Care Benefits Injected Vs Topical
1:03:01 – Thoughts On 200mg Modafinil With Intranasal Noopept and Semax
1:03:22 – Thoughts On 600mg Glutathione Weekly With 800mg NAC Daily
1:03:48 – Ideal Amount Of BAC Water For 1 IU Of Chinese HGH?
1:04:24 – Any Pics From The 1,000mg Of Tren A Week Cycle?
1:06:54 – Thoughts On Using A Cortisol Blocker
1:08:36 – Brain Feeling Sharp AF While Cutting With 40mcg Clen & 5.4mg Yohimbine
1:10:54 – Viewer Not Able To Replicate The Clen + Yohimbine Feeling
1:12:13 – Thoughts On Combining SERM + AI
1:13:56 – Does Coach Steve Recommend Gorilla Mind Respawn Or The Energy Drink?
1:15:00 – Livestream Goes Public! Bathroom Break
1:18:00 – Housekeeping
1:19:37 – How Is Someone Able To Get Prescribed Tirzepatide Without Being Diabetic?
1:21:41 – Thoughts On Actors Having Death Face But Not Having A Lean Physique
1:23:44 – Tips On Reducing Gastrointestinal Discomfort From Metformin
1:24:26 – Thoughts On Mike O’Hearn
1:27:10 – How To Balance Cognition & Bodybuilding
1:29:13 – Coach Steve Has A Great Hairline
1:29:54 – Coach Steves Favorite Healthy Meal
1:31:08 – Thoughts On Lab Made Meat Vs Normal Meat
1:33:20 – Where Do You See The Future Or PED’s?
1:35:33 – How To Reconstitute Pregnyl HCG
1:37:10 – Coach Steve’s Max Bench & Is TRT Being Enhanced?
1:38:00 – Thoughts On Ratios: 500mg Test E, 375mg Nandrolone D & 125mg Tren E
1:39:46 – Thoughts On AI Affecting The Personal Training Industry
1:42:08 – Best Dopamine Agonist With Least To None Side Effects
1:43:02 – Is NMN Powerful Enough To Be Considered A Pharma Grade Drug?
1:45:16 – Reasons Not To Take Red Yeast Rice & Citrus Bergamot
1:46:54 – Thoughts On Materon To Lower AI Vs. AI Vs. Having High E2
1:48:15 – Is It Possible To Run Low Dose Test & Primo Year Round?
1:50:24 – Is It Worth It To Start TRT At 23 Years Old (200ng/dl Total T)
1:52:53 – Best Compounds For People Who Are Prone To Acne
1:56:07 – Thoughts On Bloated Face During Training
1:56:55 – Can Low Dose Accutane Lower DHT?
1:58:34 – Revisiting Bloated Face During Workout Question
2:00:33 – How To Get A Script For A Beta Blocker & ARB?
2:03:35 – Can Accutane Permanently Cure Acne?
2:04:12 – Thoughts On 10lbs From Water Retention On 2 IU HGH
2:06:17 – Thoughts On Soldiers Using PED’s
2:09:49 – Does Coach Steve Plan To Be On TRT Into Old Age?
2:11:18 – Crypto Billionaires & Epsteins Island
2:13:54 – Thoughts On Right Branch Bundle Block From An EKG
2:16:22 – Thoughts On Methylene Blue
2:16:51 – Would Coach Steve Buy 10,000 BTCs for $50 USD?
2:17:41 – What Bodybuilder Does Coach Steve Have Most Respect For?
2:19:43 – Thoughts On MattDoesFitness’ Natty Status
2:21:40 – What Can Increase Blood Pressure After A Meal?
2:23:11 – Thoughts On Steve Giving Pharmaceuticals To His Kid
2:23:52 – Thoughts On HGH + IGF-1 LR3 On Training Days For 3 Weeks & 1 Week Of 2 IU HGH
2:25:52 – Is There Something Wrong With Feeling Tired After A Meal?
2:27:59 – Steve Doesn’t Want To Traumatize His Kids With Bodybuilding Aspirations
2:31:27 – Has Coach Steve Tried Retibol?
2:31:52 – Gaming Discussion
2:36:51 – Has Coach Steve Every Trained While On Rec Drugs?
2:37:28 – Closing Thoughts

#VigorousSteve #VigorousQnA #AskMeAnything


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