Sunday, July 7, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Where is my soul?

You instinctively understand the soul but might have trouble explaining it to someone who’d never heard of it. If that’s the case, don’t worry, you aren’t the only one.

Humans have been trying to figure out exactly what our souls are for 1000s of years. It has yet to come forward to pinpoint where the soul exists. Various religions have put forward countless ideas and who’s who of humanity’s greatest thinkers.

Whilst no single definition exists to this day?

Most people agree that the soul is a non-physical and mortal part of us that essentially makes us who we are, considering it’s something we can’t see. Or measure in any way. It’s interesting that almost every culture in history has believed in a human soul of some shape or form. For whatever reason, we seem to be predisposed to accept.

There’s more than just meat and bones in our bodies. Many people have attempted to find out exactly what and where our soul is our soul is. Besides, scientists have a habit of coming along and informing those humans that we are less special than we like to think.

We believe the Earth was at the centre of the universe. Until some bloke called our star because someone ruined everything by pointing out that the Earth seemed to be orbiting the sun. And Darwin rocked up more than 2000 years later to bust the myth that humans were somehow separate from the rest of the animal kingdom.

It may well be that science slaying the soul is the next step on a long and often uncomfortable journey for our species. But for many people, none of this matters in the slightest. Their belief in the existence of the soul is exactly that. A belief. It doesn’t require evidence or proof. And therefore, scientific opinion on the matter needs to be more relevant.

That’s because it was plus at one point; you don’t just have a handful of mitochondria per cell; you have hundreds to 1000s of them floating in your cells. And even though that number depends on what type of tissue we’re talking about, a skeletal muscle cell might be three to 8% mitochondria by volume, but a liver cell could be about 20%. Meanwhile, heart muscle cells laugh at those numbers because they’re about 35 to 40% mitochondria by volume.

Now, all mitochondria do have some structural things in common. They each have two membranes, one outer layer, one inner layer and some space between them. That outer membrane works like a protective, porous layer letting different compounds in or out of the mitochondria. Meanwhile, some important biology happens to manufacture ATP in the inner membrane. When ATP is broken down to ADP, heat is produced. This is the energy our body use to make organs function and manufacture hormones, enzymes, and chemicals to help protect our body. This is the molecule that fuels our major biological processes. So it’s often called the energy currency.
A recent scientific paper demonstrated how the mitochondrial DNA can help cancer patients develop resistance to Chemotherapy. The mitochondrial DNA has acquired the knowledge because it’s is a bacteria, so the DNA must have obtained the ability to destroy drugs from other bacteria.

Our DNA which makes up our genes is kept in our cells and nucleus, but I’ll call it nuclear DNA. Some of our atomic DNA makes proteins for the mitochondria and then ships them out for it to us. But the mitochondria also have their DNA separate from the DNA and your cell nucleus. Plus, it has the cellular machinery to make new mitochondrial proteins. This is the mitochondrial genome, or the entirety of its genetic information, and it’s much smaller than the genome in the cell’s nucleus. It’s only a small circle with about 16,000 base pairs, while the nuclear genome has billions of base pairs.

The information in our mitochondria has genes similar to our maternal ancestors’ way back in the past. Sequencing that mitochondrial DNA and comparing genomes has allowed researchers to trace people back to a single female ancestor in Africa 1000s of years ago and follow human migration.

Now, why does mitochondrial DNA only come from your mother? The first is that egg cells hold way where mitochondrial DNA and sperm cells it’s around 200,000 molecules and an egg cell, and like single digits and sperm cells, egg cells outnumber sperm by a lot when it comes to mitochondrial DNA.

As soon as I read the paper, I understood what was written in Vishnusahasranama. The endless knot (srivatsa) has the power to break matter. This is the symbol on which the Goddess of abundance, Lakshmi, resides. The sloka is (7+3) 0, Part 64 (6+4) 0, Endless knot is 0, and Kalki is the 10th Avatar (again 0).


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