Saturday, May 11, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

BioHacking in Midlife: Smarter Not Harder with Dave Asprey

BioHacking in Midlife: Smarter Not Harder with Dave Asprey

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📘Grab your copy of Dave Asprey’s latest book – Smarter Not Harder: The Biohacker’s Guide to Getting the Body and Mind You Want

This special episode is with my good friend Dave Asprey, famously known as the ‘Father of Biohacking.” If you don’t know what that is yet, no worries, we’ll go into it in more detail. Dave has a long list of achievements, from being a New York Times bestselling author to creating some amazing products like Bulletproof Coffee. But today’s focus is on his latest book, “Smarter, Not Harder.” Trust me, it’s a great read that we all need in our lives right now. I’m so excited to chat with Dave about it and learn the game-changing mindset that we can still succeed in our health (and life in general) without working too hard.

In this episode, you will learn: 

✅ How to hack your mind and body to feel amazing and age gracefully
✅ The best exercises to lose weight are actually the SHORTEST ones 
✅ Being lazy doesn’t mean it’s bad. It’s your body’s way of protecting you

[00:00:35] What is biohacking?

Dave Asprey basically coined the term, which is a movement with millions of people doing it that started 11 years ago. The definition has made its way into the Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, which is the art and science of changing the environment around you so that you have full control of your own biology. Dave says, “It’s basically making your body do what you want instead of what it wants to do.”  

[00:03:29] Dave lives by the belief that there isn’t a good correlation between working hard and getting results.

In his 20s, weighing 300 lbs, Dave pursued exercising long hours. He found that wasn’t the right way to go about it. 

[00:06:46] The human upgrade center. 

Dave shares the science behind Upgrade Labs, and more facilities should be open for people to experience. “We measure thousands of data points without having to go to the doctor’s office. It’s an electrical scan. We’ll tell you how dense are your bones? Do you have fat in your liver? How are your cells doing? Are you inflamed? Are you dehydrated? And we know in 2 minutes when you walk in the door, and based on that, we tell you what you want to do based on your goals.”

[00:13:11] Optimizing the body’s operating system and how it works.

Okay, so get this: Dave explains a system in our brain that works to sort out what we’re receiving. It decides if something is negative or positive and if it’s even worth your attention. This system also affects things happening inside the body. Dave calls it the “meat operating system.”

[00:16:06] You only need to spare 15 minutes per week for your cardio, and you’ll be six times ahead of your pals hitting the gym and sweating buckets.

An easy-peasy biohacking tip by Dave with no sweating yet brings about a 12% improvement in cardiovascular fitness. 

[00:22:55] Biohacking your energy levels and metabolism as Dave recommends zone 2 and re-HIIT training. Save so much time with exercises that help you lose weight.

[00:25:01] The healthiest people sleep 6 hours and a half a night.

Dave cites three different in-depth studies that have been conducted involving over a million participants over the years. They found that people who slept a full 8 hours per night had a higher risk of health issues, even potentially fatal ones. This may be because those who need more shuteye could have an underlying problem they’re unaware of. 


Dave Asprey is the founder of Upgrade Labs & known as the ‘Father of Biohacking.’ He Is a four-time New York Times bestselling science author, host of the Webby award-winning podcast The Human Upgrade, and has been featured on the Today Show, CNN, The New York Times, Dr. Oz, and more.

Over the last two decades, Dave has worked with world-renowned doctors, researchers, scientists, and global mavericks to uncover the latest, most innovative methods, techniques, and products for enhancing mental and physical performance. Dave has personally spent over $2 million taking control of his own biology – pushing the bounds of human possibility all in the name of science evolution, and revolution.

The creator of the Bulletproof Diet, and innovator of Bulletproof Coffee, Collagen Protein supplements, and many more advances in commercial wellness products, Dave’s mission is to empower the entire globe with information and knowledge that unlocks the Super Human in everyone at any age. These advancements prove better sleep, energy, and expanded capacity for all. 

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