Sunday, July 7, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Life Update | Leaving Kaged, Training Bollywood Celebs, and What’s Next

On this episode of The Kris Gethin Podcast, I am being interviewed while I dive into a few of my own life updates. Join me as I share updates on my travels, training, and eating clean, bio-hacking and more. I also discuss my recent participation in a bodybuilding show and guest posing. Throughout the episode, I reflect on the importance of accountability and facing challenges head-on. 

Tune in to gain valuable insights and inspiration for your own personal growth and well-being. Don’t miss out on this thought-provoking episode of The Kris Gethin Podcast.

– Travel, training, and dieting experiences
– Participation in a bodybuilding show and guest posing
– Accountability and confrontations during the process
– Challenges faced during photo shoots
– Attendance at a health optimization summit and discussion about new technology

– Speaking engagements at health optimization summit
– Balancing family time and work responsibilities
– Attending an art exhibition and concert
– Leaving a Kaged
– Emphasizing personal happiness and authenticity

– Managing stress and seeking therapy
– Reflecting on a past relationship and making decisions
– Gratitude for past experiences and personal growth
– Connection through work on a supplement brand
– Embracing change and focusing on helping others

– Challenges faced by supplement companies
– Impact of big retailers on supplement quality
– Prioritizing efficacy and certifications over money
– Danger of becoming addicted to money
– Importance of meaningful acts of kindness

– Biohacking techniques and location-based biohacks
– Grounding and earthing in built-up cities
– Cold thermogenesis for mental stability
– Positive impact of grounding on autism
– High-tech machine called the human regenerator

– Importance of exploring different approaches to healing
– Use of methylene blue to enhance mitochondrial function
– Benefits of the human regenerator for various conditions
– Combining ancestral wisdom with modern technology
– Blocking blue light and using blue light blocking glasses

Follow Sunshine on Instagram:
Purchase Kris’s new Legacy Fat Loss trainer:

Use code GETHIN100 to save on the CAROL Bike:
Save on all BiOptimizers products but using code KRIS10 at checkout
You can save 15% off your Real Salt order at with code GETHIN15

To apply to train with Kris online 1-on-1 email [email protected]
Follow me on Instagram and feel free to DM about 1-1 online training @krisgethin

For my preferred Biohacking and anti-aging supplements, go to

Get better sleep and head over to and use code: Kris20


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