Sunday, July 7, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Why Your WORKOUT Isn’t WORKING for You and What To Do Instead for Improved Metabolic Health

Diet and exercise culture tends to prioritize calorie restriction and calorie burning via cardio workouts. While fat loss is beneficial, building and maintaining healthy muscle mass is also crucial for metabolic health and longevity. Dr. Gabrielle Lyon and Dr. Casey Means discuss Lyon’s book “Forever Strong,” why strength-training should be a priority for workout routines, how muscle is the body’s metabolic currency, and why boosting protein intake aids in adding and preserving muscle mass.

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📍What Gabrielle Lyon, DO, & Casey Means, MD, discuss:
00:00 — Intro
03:09 — Dr. Casey Means shares her enthusiasm for Dr. Gabrielle Lyon’s book
08:53 — Muscle is our metabolic currency
19:56 — According to Dr. Lyon, gaining muscle is more important than losing fat
24:09 — Muscle mass is protective against sarcopenia
31:47 — Dr. Means raises the question about menopause
32:58 — The benefits of focusing on metabolic health in the menopause transition
37:49 — Dr. Lyon encourages people to reevaluate the type of exercise they are doing
40:32 — Dr. Lyon discusses the importance of getting enough protein
44:34 — Dr. Lyon discusses the timing of protein intake
52:25 — Dr. Lyon discusses supplementation with creatine


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