Saturday, May 18, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

A brief brush with power by Stephen Mieruszynski | Art of Science

Art of Science 2018 | Moving image

This kaleidoscope of colour is a cross-section of a healthy fish intestine that, in reality, is no bigger than the width of a human hair.

Using a state-of-the-art microscope, Stephen has captured this image in 3D with astonishing detail, right down to the make-up of each cell within the tiny sample.

The white splotches and furry red areas are markers for good intestinal health. While the green parts of the image confirm that mitochondria are present. Mitochondria are the ‘powerhouse’ of cells, with a key function being to convert nutrients into energy. For this reason, they can also play a role in fuelling cancer growth.

Stephen is particularly interested in the conflicting role mitochondria plays in maintaining energy and helping cancer cells to survive. He wants to disrupt the function of mitochondria just enough to starve cancer cells, but not so much as to compromise any functions necessary for health.

Understanding how mitochondrial processes are hijacked by cancer cells could ultimately help to develop a drug that stops certain cancers, such as gastrointestinal cancer, from growing without affecting patient well being.


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