Sunday, July 7, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

A Conversation w/ Paul Tijerina: Nutrition, Strength & Sleep for Emotional Health

To learn more about Angie Peacock, MSW or to book a consultation or coaching session, visit:

Paul is a West Point grad and an army veteran. After getting out of the military in 2002, he hit his worst health – 275 pounds, high blood pressure, pre-diabetic, major digestive issues, and extremely inflamed.

After going vegan for 2 years, and seeing minimal improvements and additional problems, he found what he calls ancestral health, and has never looked back.

For over 10 years he’s been coaching people on animal based nutrition, ancestral based health, self reliance, and simplified living, among many other things.

His dream for his clients is for them to experience freedom and happiness that comes from being healthy, being prepared, and simplifying life. His clients experience fat loss, improved performance, increased energy, improved hormonal profile, stronger digestion, better mental and emotional health.

If you want to look, feel, and perform your very best, and rediscover the way you were truly meant to live, according to him, you have to focus on these things!

You can follow him at

To schedule some time with me (Paul C. Tijerina), best thing to do is visit my main site so you can see some of the transformations
šŸ”— To connect with me, here are all my links here are my links šŸ™‚ Be sure to subscribe to my podcast WE ARE THE SHT šŸ˜‰
There is hope! With health, anything is possible. EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE.
100% of the time, when you improve your health, you improve how you feel.
Look at your challenges and trauma as allies in your journey.
They can be the catalyst for positive health changes, they give you skepticism, and they make you ask questions.
How to make health changes:
Vision for self and health. Connect with a vision for yourself and health. What changes do you want to experience? What is possible?
List out the options. What are the things that you could work on to move in that direction? What are the things you know you need to work on?
Start simple. Then start with just 1 thing. Something simple. That you can do most days if not every day.
Hereā€™s the good news:
You WILL experience changes. Look for them to show up. Then you know youā€™re on the right track.
Once you start to notice the results, for most of these health habits, they may be subtle, but they are CUMULATIVE OVER TIME.
Consistency is key.
PRšŸ‘ŠšŸ½ TIP: Focus on your current habits, not your current results.
Small habits over time add up to big changes.
PRšŸ‘ŠšŸ½ TIP: You get what you do consistently.
Avoid perfectionist mindset!
Avoid thinking you have to go to extremes, or go ā€œall or nothing.ā€
Keep it simple and doable.
Simple things to do with nutrition
Learn how to read labels. Check out my swaps document (attached).
Embrace animal foods and protein. Protein is the most satiating of all the macro nutrients.
Get your first meal of the day spot on! That will give you momentum.
Simple things you can do with fitness
Start with a walk in the morning. Habit stack it with getting some natural light and fresh air.
Add a walk in the evening when youā€™re ready.
Add movement breaks throughout the day.
Check out this video How to Get Fit Without the Gym
Simple things you can do for sleep
Get early morning natural light into your eyes, without sunglasses. Check out this short video
Get brightness throughout the day.
Minimize your exposure to brightness at night.
How to focus on brain health:
Exercise! Walks are powerful.
Train your body to be metabolically flexible and use fat for fuel. Do this by 1) eating real food 2) keeping carbohydrates relatively smaller compared to other things 3) allowing natural space between your meals with no snacking.
Get natural light every day = great for mitochondria.
Prioritize your sleep.
Take a quality creatine monohydrate. Buy this creatine, Hereā€™s a great article on creatine…/consuming-creatine-in…
Get choline! Eat animal foods and egg yolks.
Donā€™t watch too much TV. DO build social connections and play games.
Why work with a coach?
A good coach can be a shortcut to health.
A good coach supports you.
A good coach helps you hold yourself accountable.
How to find a good coach:
It has to feel right.
It has to make sense.
The coach has to seem to care.
A good coach gives you autonomy and doesnā€™t just tell you what to do.


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