Sunday, July 7, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Art of Move Podcast 63- FootballEntangled Taylor Davidson (Read Disclaimer)


It has come to our attention that Taylor Davidson is under federal lawsuit for trademark infringement, dilution, and copyright infringement by Hyperarch Fascia Training Inc. and Chong Xie represented law office of Robert L Greener. Taylor was subscribed to HFT’s website prior to creating FootballEntangled, and directly plagiarized content from Hyperarch Fascia training system to present it as his own.

At the time of scheduling the interview with Taylor, we were unaware of this. Any views by Taylor, especially around fascial training espoused in this episode do not represent the views of Anthony Manuele or Dr. William Rajbar of the Art of Move.

For more information about Chong Xie’s Hyperarch Fascia Training, which FootballEntangled allegedly plagiarized the training methods from, you can visit” and IG @secretofathleticism


Co-hosted by Anthony Manuele and Dr. William Rajbar, the foremost podcast opening discussion about the most innovative ways to train, and move. your body.
Joined by:
Taylor Davidson, a soccer player striving for world class performance. Founder of Football Entangled: the first soccer talent development organization of its kind blending the holistic, esoteric, and physical to solve the million dollar question: how can I become the best soccer player in the world?

Football Entangled is the result of Taylor’s journey overcoming several long term injuries, years of chronic dysfunction, and the pain of failure. It is a mission to equip all footballers across the world with the tools he wish he had for health, athletic, and skill transformation.

It is a mission to shine a light and lead footballers out of the current matrix of bad luck non-contact injury, chronic niggles, and constant self-sabotage.

Currently Taylor manages the Entangled Tribe private community of over 200 aspiring and professional footballers ranging from the English Premier League all the way down to grass roots where the limits of human footballing potential are being explored daily.

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