Sunday, July 7, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Biology and Neuroscience – 2023's Biggest Breakthroughs

Quanta Magazine’s coverage of biology in 2023, including important research progress into the nature of consciousness, the origins of our microbiomes and the timekeeping mechanisms that govern our lives and development.

Read about more breakthroughs from 2023 at Quanta Magazine:

00:05 The Investigation of Consciousness
Our minds are constantly taking in new external information while also creating their own internal imagery and narratives. How do we distinguish reality from fantasy? This year, researchers discovered that the brain has a “reality threshold” against which it constantly evaluates processed signals.
– Original story with links to research papers can be found here:

04:30 Microbiomes Evolve With Us
This year, scientists provided clear evidence that the organisms in our microbiome —the collection of bacteria and other cells that live in our guts and elsewhere on our body — spread between people, especially those with whom we spend the most time. This raises the intriguing possibility that some illnesses that aren’t usually considered communicable might be.
— Original story with links to research papers can be found here:

08:43 How Life Keeps Time
The rate at which an embryo develops and the timing of when its tissues mature vary dramatically between species. What controls the ticking of this developmental clock that determines an animal’s final form? This year, a series of careful experiments suggest that mitochondria may very well serve dual roles as both the timekeeper and power source for complex cells.
– Original story with links to research papers can be found here:

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26 thoughts on “Biology and Neuroscience – 2023's Biggest Breakthroughs
  1. December 9th, testing on mice finds a method of increasing number of and productivity of pancreatic beta cells (insulin producers) by stimulating a portion of the vagus nerve with light. the first known method of increasing beta cells. This method is not just a small increase, but increases the number of cells by over 2x in 3 weeks.

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  3. 0:19: ???? Research in 2023 sheds light on the neuroscience of imagination and perception, exploring the brain's ability to distinguish between the two.

    2:38: ???? Vivid imagination can be mistaken for reality, and the brain may not distinguish between the two as clearly as previously thought.

    4:39: ???? The human microbiome, consisting of foreign microbes, is a complex ecosystem that is still a mystery to science.

    7:09: ???? Our social interactions impact our microbiome, which in turn affects our health and immunity. Continued use of antibiotics and antiseptics may disrupt our body's natural microbial balance.

    9:51: ⚛ Mitochondria play a crucial role in regulating developmental timing and protein production in cells.

  4. Life is a simulation. Modern research on Near Death Experience by Raymond moody, reincarnation memories by Ian Stevenson/Jim trucker and past lives regression by Brian Weiss all independently but coincidentally show that our consciousness survive death, we live many lives and our thoughts and actions matter in the hereafter.

    So be kind and helpful to others, be virtuous, meditate and cultivate ourselves to higher spiritual levels. Cheers.

  5. The world has been dreaming for sustsinable development and happiness in all respects and the microbiome along with mitochondrial pleasure may become a rainbow in this domain. Awesome presentation!! Great message!

  6. Frequency can cure some of these diseases. Radiation does the same thing. I'm trying to slow it Down not speed it Up, and a stronger Magnetic field would solve more of that, what's left would get absorbed by the energy Field.

  7. Parkinson disease is a very terrible illness, my Dad suffered from it for 19 years until we finally got a help and a medicine that truly works that helped treat, cure and reversed all his symptoms•••My Dad is completely okay and healthy now

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