Sunday, July 7, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Blue in Depth with Dr. Bennett

0:14 October- Free Enrollments
0:38 Australian DoD Deadlines
1:27 Punta Cana Winners Survey
2:05 License Plates- Tiffany Rutledge & Susan Trefethren
3:12 Help with Pulse & Blue Pumps
6:51 Teach Us About Pulse
12:20 Top Enrollers October 9-15th
12:44 New Solex Podcast Episode
13:27 Dr. Matt Bennett- Methylene Blue
29:50 What Do You Use with Blue to Maximize the Effects?
32:11 Shoot, Sorry

Read about Blue here!

Learn about this quarter’s incentives, and how you can earn up to $400 extra!


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