Thursday, July 4, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Building A High Performance Mindset with Dr Reiner Kraft I MindFLOW Ergonomics I HEARTtalk

Executive Coach and Founder @ The Mindful Leader Dr Reiner Kraft speaks to Plastic Surgeon and Host of HEARTtalk Dr Charles Lee on High Performance Mindset.

Dr REINER KRAFT is a seasoned technology leader, engineer, scientist, technical advisor & sparring partner, trainer, executive leadership and human potential coach, micronutrients & epigenetics expert, podcaster, and speaker who has pioneered Mindful Leadership methodologies in the past 10 years within large tech orgs and Start Ups.

During his tech career, he spent 20 years in the Silicon Valley and the past 7 years in Berlin, Germany, working for top high-tech companies (e.g., IBM Research, Yahoo, Zalando) and startups while exploring novel approaches to leadership and new work methodologies to build purposeful and impactful organizations.

He is considered a top innovator with more than 120 U.S. patents, making him one of the most prolific inventors in Silicon Valley. Both IBM Research and Yahoo recognized him as a Master Inventor. The prestigious MIT Technology Review (TR 100) in 2003 also nominated him as a top innovator under the age of 30 to shape the world.

Dr Reiner Kraft Show Notes:
1:31 HEARTtalk Intro
8:43 Dr Reiner Kraft Intro
11:22 Mental Exhaustion – Brain – Hardware, Mind – Software
15:27 Mind- Body Relationship
20:33 Leveraging the Subconsciousness Mind
22:00 Decision fatique
22:35 State of Awareness in the Present is the driver of the Subconscious Mind
26:00 High Performance Mindset
30:35 High Performance Mind
32:39 High Performance Mind and Body – Mitochondrial function – Powerhouse of the Cell
38:52 LPA – Level of Present Awareness, the underlying currency to a healthy lifestyle – Sleep well, Eat well, Exercise well
52:40 Personal reflection on Mindfulness Journey

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