Sunday, July 7, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Chapter 6 How cells harvest chemical energy

The document is a PowerPoint lecture that covers the topic of how cells harvest chemical energy. It discusses the thermodynamics of energy transformations, the release and storage of energy in chemical reactions, and the role of enzymes in speeding up chemical reactions in cells.

Here are three possible questions you can ask me about the document:

What are the main factors that determine the release and storage of energy in chemical reactions?
How do enzymes contribute to speeding up chemical reactions in cells?
Explain the concept of thermodynamics in the context of energy transformations in cells?


Page 54: ATP synthase, NAD+, NADH, FADH2, FAD, H+, H2O, ADP, ATP, P, O2, Rotenone, Cyanide, carbon monoxide, Oligomycin, DNP.
Page 71: Protein complex of electron carriers, Electron transport chain, Oxidative phosphorylation, Chemiosmosis, ATP synthase, I, II, III, IV, Q, Cyt c, FAD, FADH2, NADH, ADP + Pi, NAD+, H+, H2O, ATP.
Page 1: PowerPoint Lectures for Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections, Seventh Edition, Reece, Taylor, Simon, and Dickey, Chapter 6 How Cells Harvest Chemical Energy, Delivered by Dr. Salamah Alwahsh.
Page 40: Glucose, Pyruvate, ADP, Pi, NAD+, NADH, H+, ATP, an overview of glycolysis.
Page 51: Oxidative Phosphorylation, Electron Transport Chain, Chemiosmosis, Mitochondrial matrix, Inner mitochondrial membrane, Intermembrane space, Electron flow, Protein complex of electron carriers, Mobile electron carriers, ATP synthase, NADH, NAD+, H+, FADH2, FAD, O2, H2O, ADP, P, ATP.
Page 38: NADH, FADH2, ATP, CYTOPLASM (cytosol), Glycolysis, Glucose, Pyruvate, Pyruvate Oxidation, Citric Acid Cycle, Oxidative Phosphorylation (electron transport and chemiosmosis), Mitochondrion, Substrate-level phosphorylation, Figure 6.6_1 An overview of cellular respiration.


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