Sunday, July 7, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Common Causes of Mitochondrial Dysfunction and How To Fix It w/ Dr. Michael Chang and Ari Whitten

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In this episode, I am speaking with Dr. Michael Chang—a functional medicine practitioner specializing in gut and mitochondrial health and author of Mitochondrial Dysfunction: A Functional Medicine Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment – Get Rid of Fatigue, Fat, and Brain Fog. We cover the most common causes of mitochondrial dysfunction and nine tips to improve mitochondrial health. 

In this podcast, Dr. Chang will cover:
• The main causes and symptoms of mitochondrial dysfunction
• The three best supplements to support mitochondrial health
• Why the functional medicine approach is the best way to diagnose and treat mitochondrial dysfunction
• The best lifestyle habits to support mitochondria
• Best functional tests to diagnose mitochondrial dysfunction
• 3 nutrition strategies to support mitochondrial health.

The Most Common Causes of Mitochondrial Dysfunction and 9 Tips to Improve Mitochondrial Health with Michael Chang, MD – Transcript
Why mitochondria are important for your health (6:54)
The main causes of mitochondrial dysfunction (10:30)
How functional medicine is different from conventional medicine (14:34)
The best nutritional approach to mitochondrial health (29:15)
The best lifestyle strategies for improving mitochondrial health (47:24)


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