Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Conversations with Marty Ross MD: 7/27/22

Here is a recording of my Lyme Q&A Webinar, Conversations with Marty Ross MD, from 7/27/22. In this webinar I answer questions you have about Lyme Disease treatment. Sign up for the next webinar of Conversations with Marty Ross MD at Treat Lyme: https://www.treatlyme.net/lyme-webinar-marty-ross-md .

We discussed:
alphal gal,
my thoughts on MMS for Lyme,
placebo effect and all types of drugs and treatments,
QT prolongation and heart arrhythmia,
radiculopathy with Lyme or Bart as cause,
how to distinguish side effects for Herxheimer reaction,
meaning and causes of elevated C4a and tgf beta 1,
Low Dose Naltrexone,
Singulair is effective for allergy related inflammation,
Review of best Lyme, Bart and Babesia testing options,
carditis can lead to ongoing fatigue,
with relapses consider if you have intestinal yeast overgrowth,
possible causes of muscle wasting in Lyme disease,
BPC-157 peptide may fix tissue damage of all kinds
how to fix mitochondria dysfunction,
how to treat mold colonization in mold toxicity,
SIBO diagnosis and treatment,
FODMAP diet,
my thoughts on Shoemaker trained mold toxicity providers,
best way to see if you have mold-toxicity in Lyme disease is a urine test not Shoemaker labs,
Bartonella can lead to lymph node swelling,
review of Bartonella symptoms,
how to diagnose Bartonella,
each strain of Bartonella is treated the same,
why I do not recommend panel testing through IGenex,
why I prefer alcohol herbal extractions over pills for herbal antibiotics,
Japanese knotweed for Borellia and Bartonella,
when to use antibiotics in pregnancy to prevent Lyme transmission,
If there is no relapse after 2 years off treatment a person is probably cured of Lyme,
how to fix ongoing Lyme damage with BPC-157,
and much more.



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