Sunday, July 7, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Day 449 – How Fasting Increases Ketones

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Ketones are an organic compound the liver makes when your blood sugar drops. Ketones are an alternative fuel source for your cells when glucose is not readily available. A hallmark sign that your body is burning energy from fat is the presence of ketones. There are many healing benefits to having low levels of ketones surging through your system. Ketones are reparative, meaning they will go to certain tissues in your body and regenerate them. Specifically, they repair nervous tissue. This is incredibly helpful with any neurodegeneration that may have occurred in the brain. Ketones have the power to regenerate damaged neurons that carry information throughout your brain, improving your memory and ability to retain new information, as well as giving you increased focus and mental clarity. Ketones are also a preferred fuel source for your mitochondria—the parts of your cells that make your energy. In Chapter 3, I will dive more into the power of your mitochondria, but in regard to ketones, if your mitochondria are sluggish and not providing the necessary energy to function at your best, ketones will power them back up. It’s the ultimate mitochondrial reset.

This energy is much different from the energy you feel when you eat. When operating from the sugar-burner system, you will often feel your energy go up and down. Ketone energy is much different; it is consistent, giving you both physical and mental clarity throughout your day. The wonders of ketones don’t just stop with brain repair and energy. Ketones will also go up to the hypothalamus of your brain and turn off your hunger hormone. This is a large reason why the more you fast, the less hungry you will become. As your brain senses ketones when you click into your fasted state, it will use those ketones to kill your hunger. Many fasters use this decline in hunger to extend their fasts a little longer, getting even more of a healing benefit. The rise in ketones also triggers the release of a calming neurotransmitter called GABA. This neurotransmitter has an anti-anxiety effect on your brain, leaving you feeling more relaxed despite not eating any food. For many, ketones are what they are chasing with their fasting lifestyle. You feel limitless when your body makes ketones. If you fear how you feel when you fast, remember that once your cells have made the switch over to this fat-burning state and ketones are on the scene, your energy and mental clarity will increase. It’s the opposite of any diet you have ever been on. When you train your body to make ketones, fasting will not only get easier but more healing will occur with time.

From “Fast Like a Girl” –

A Great Videos from Dr. Jason Fung on Diabetes Reversal –

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