Sunday, July 7, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Do you have sick mitochondria? The number one sign of sick mitochondria is chronic fatigue!


You have chronic fatigue, brain fog. You get tired easily from doing exercise or maybe you don’t recover after exercise. All these are signs that you may have a mitochondrial malfunction. What tech are mitochondria? Allow me to explain. Mitochondria is what produces energy in your cells. Now you can have as little as 500 to 2000 per individual cell. So example, your heart requires lots and lots of energy. Each heart cell can roughly have 2000 mitochondria. So if you have poor mitochondria, you’re going to have chronic fatigue, chronic brain fog, and you’re just not going to be feeling very well. Now there’s three top things that can cause your mitochondria to malfunction. Number one, you need to make sure you don’t have any anemia, which means that you don’t have enough iron to deliver oxygen to your mitochondria. If your mitochondria are not getting enough oxygen, they’re not going to function well. Number two, you need to rule out any possible mold exposure. Past or current mold is one of the most toxic substances to your mitochondria. And number three, you want to rule out any food sensitivity. So if you have any gas, bloating, constipation or diarrhea, that would tell you that something that you’re eating is irritating you, causing global inflammation and view of global inflammation, you’re going to have poor mitochondrial function. If you’ve liked this content, please like comment and share this with a loved one.


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