Thursday, July 4, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Dr. Anurag Singh: Pomegranates, muscle mass and healthy aging

Frailty and a decline in overall physical strength are irksome signs of aging. Regular exercise is essential to maintain optimum muscle mass and movement, but are there other interventions that could curb age-related muscle weakening? A Swiss biotech startup is developing a supplement that could slow down the process, by replacing damaged mitochondria, the parts of cells that generate energy. It turns out that a key component could be a chemical produced by the gut microbiome, when we eat pomegranates and strawberries. In this LLAMA podcast with Peter Bowes, Dr. Anurag Singh, Chief Medical Officer with Amazentis, explains the background to this developing science and its potential to help older people maintain an independent lifestyle for longer.

▸ Read a transcript and additional show notes at the Live Long and Master Aging (LLAMA) podcast website

▸ Also listen and subscribe at Apple Podcasts:


▸ Amazentis is pioneering cutting edge, clinically validated cellular nutrition, under its Time-line brand and offering LLAMA podcast listeners a 5% discount on its Mitopure products – Mitopure Powder, Softgels and Mitopure + Protein.
Use the code LLAMA at checkout:

▸ DoNotAge is offering LLAMA podcast listeners a 10% discount on its range of products – NAD boosters, Sirtuin activators, senolytics and more.
Use the code LLAMA during checkout:
Any health queries can be answered by emailing the team at [email protected].

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