Saturday, July 6, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Ep.623: Thomas Seyfried on Cancer Is a Metabolic Disease

I have followed the work of Thomas Seyfried for many years now and I’m excited to speak with him today on his extensive research on cancer and why it is more of a metabolic disease, than a genetic disease. He has a quite impressive biography and has done research and is working very, very hard to get the metabolic approach into the more mainstream of care. Because it can help a lot of people, even when combined with the standard of care that currently exists. But we go deep on what cancer actually is, why it isn’t just genetic and how mitochondrial function is a big factor in the cancer equation. We go into the Warburg Study, what it shows us about why cancer happens and he talks about the two things that cancer cells feed on, which are glucose and glutamine. He shares how to address these from a metabolic, lifestyle and diet approach.


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