Sunday, July 7, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Episode #310 on Mitochondria Function & Emotional Toxins

Debbie shares her thoughts after going out for an “easy” 5 mile run that felt hard… when it should have felt EASY!

Why do we struggle with recovery and repair?

Why does our performance decrease instead of improve from consistent training?

My thoughts and current research area is on the mitochondria function. I recently purchased the recordings from the Mitochondria Summit from Health Means and Dr. Davidson.

After listening to a recording of Dr. Michaux on sports performance and mitochondria function- I was surprised to hear him talk about emotional toxins, mindset and your purpose.

Wow…was he talking to me? What perfect timing as I ended 2019 with closing Fitness Forward Studio after ten plus years and now focusing on building a new health rebuilding coaching program for athletes of all levels who struggle with fatigue, weight gain and other unexplained symptoms.

Emotional toxins are real.

Do you feel worthless or a failure if you don’t get everything done in a day?

I was a high performing athlete! Why not anymore? It is never ONE thing…but mitochondria damage (in my current research) impacts every body system function – and everything is connected together as it is a domino effect leading to METABOLIC CHAOS. So, as an FDN Practitioner, we treat everything in a non-specific way to improve every cell, tissue, organ and body system to restore back to optimal health-balance-homeostasis.

Transform the WHOLE you from the inside out with The WHOLESTIC Method elements! Contact me, Debbie Potts, if you have questions, comments or suggestions!


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