Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Cold Thermogenesis

Fasting as Tool to Deepen Sleep

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In today’s show, Alessandro–a leading nutritionist in the UK shares his latest findings in the realm of time-restricted feeding, ketogenic diet applications and using nutrients to rebalance circadian rhythms.

This interview is jam-packed with nuggets; so be sure to get and pen and paper out.

➢Connect with Alex: http://alessandroferretti.co.uk

—————————————–Lets Connect————————————–

➢ Listen in iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/160-alessandro-ferretti-time/id910048041?i=1000376965339&mt=2

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————————————–Key Takeaways———————————-

02:04Time Restricted Feeding: There are different styles. Some of us use stimulants with fats. The best results come from abstaining from ingesting anything of caloric value during fasting. It instigates different glucose regulations and ketone readings. There is also alternate day fasting (a full 24 hrs). The more fat adapted you become and the more regular your ketones in both breath and blood, the stronger the correlation to a sustained increased HRV (heartrate variability),

05:10 Secondary Benefits of Ketones: Ketones are signaling molecules, not just substitutions for macronutrients or energy substrates. Ketones effect metabolic and inflammatory signatures, contributing to an increase in HRV. Beta-hydroxybutyrate and acetyl acetate promotes epigenetic control, mitochondrial protection, and histone acetylation function, reducing free radical damage to mitochondria.

07:16 Inflammation and Exercise:

13:17 Glycogen Storage and Keto Adaptation: The benefits of being a fat adapted person will stay, even when glycogen stores are tapped.

16:36 Inflammatory Proteins and Postworkout Recovery: Casein is often recommended at certain amounts at certain times of the day. Inflammatory proteins, post workout, stimulate more inflammation to shorten the time it takes to create new tissue.

17:11 Post Workout Nutrition and Glycogen Replenishment: We have been taught that we need protein and carbs to spike glycogen replenishment and spike insulin. The body can make glucose and store it as glycogen from virtually every substrate. Through gluconeogenesis from glycerol, fats or protein for the amino acids that are able to be converted to glucose can rebuild the stores.

19:58 Post Workout Fasting: The longer you fast post training, the recovery period is slightly shorter and secretions are made of human growth hormone and testosterone increase healing and shorten total recovery time. This breaks with what we have been taught.

23:25 How Ketosis Enhances our Metabolic Efficiency: Fat adapted people use less heat (thermogenesis) and you produce more ATP, given the same number of carbons you have. On top of that, fat is a cleaner and slow burning fuel.

28:35 Advice for Competitive Athletes and Cross Fitters: To become truly fat adapted, where your body preferentially uses fats to supply energy on demand, depending upon how much oxygen you have available through intensity, can take 3 to 9 months.

38:25 Going In and Out of Ketosis: When learning to be fat adapted, different foods can push the body into alert mode and out of ketosis.

40:22 Lifestyle Shift: Becoming fat adapted is total commitment. We socialize in the evening, when intermittent fasting is best. People can be highly motivated for the therapeutic effects, like positive effects upon epilepsy.

44:28 Where to Start: A good place to start is with a high fat/low carb diet. Begin to experiment. Perhaps try an intermittent fast. Check breath acetone.

44:33 Sleep Quality: Our guts are highly active in the middle part of the day (10 a.m. to 4 p.m), thus it is logical to consume most of our calories then. Food has a substantial impact upon body rhythm. Alessandro travels extensively, but does not suffer from jet lag. He regulates this with food. His body knows that when he eats, part of the day, whatever is left, must be either evening or morning.
51:48 Food and Circadian Rhythm: We discuss how foods can be used to restore (AKA entrain circadian rhythms)


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