Sunday, June 30, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Headstand: a working progress. Find an exercise you like and enjoy!!!! 💕🤸🏻‍♂️

•Regular aerobic activity causes a change in the transport of fats in the blood – increasing HDL and decreasing VLDL AND LDL, reducing stress. exercise turns on the genes that regulate the cardiovascular rehabilitation.
•Mitochondrial biogenesis- exercise stimulates production of mitochondria in the cells. It multiplies.
•A well trained athlete can have more than twice the metabolic capacity in her muscle mitochondria as a sedentary person.
•Cross training aerobic cardiovascular conditioning with an aerobic strength conditioning are more effective in mitochondrial biogenesis. 
•Exercise not only conditions the muscle stamina and endurance but pain.  Exercise is a pain antidote. 
•There are two types of adipocytes. White adipocytes store fat while brown adipocytes produce heat energy. The brown color comes from the rich iron in the mitochondria. The iron is found in the cytochrome which are in the membrane of the mitochondria. The cytochrome is involved in heat and detoxification processes. The heat energy that the brown cells produce allows the body to keep a constant internal temperature even when the external temperature is very low. There are high levels of infant brown adipocytes. Adults have them on the neck, shoulders, and upper back.
•Obesogens poison brown adipocytes causing trouble in the production and conservation of heat energy. One consequence is cold sensitivity increase. Another is obesity due to inability to turn food calorie into heat energy rather than fat in white Adipocytes. Sedentary lifestyle and certain food ingredient like fructose corn sweeteners can decrease brown adipocytes activity
•many foods wake brown adipocytes up, increase their activity, and therefore help prevent or reverse obesity. Among these are:
•cayenne peppers and capsicum vegetables,
•peanuts with their skins,
•green tea,
•virgin olive oil,
•isohumulones from hops,
•omega-3 fatty oils from fish,
•and calcium-rich foods like low-fat yogurt.
•Activating Beige fat discovered embedded in white fat, and determined that they could be coaxed into becoming heat-producing, active adipocytes through exercise and changes in diet. that in turn has positive effects on insulin sensitivity and lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes and other chronic illnesses.
•Not only does it result in weight loss, but a lower set point where your body wants to be in and remain to be in.
•The bone marrow is where the red and white blood cells in our body are born. Without a healthy bone marrow, we would suffer serious forms of anemia and immune deficiencies. The cortical and trabecular bone, composed of the structural protein called hydroxyapatite, a form of calcium, provides the strength of the skeleton. It also produces signaling substances that talk to other organs in the body and the organs in the body produces signaling substances that talk back to the bones. The skeleton is part of the seven core processes, all interconnecting and controlled by genes communicating with one another and with the external environment.  That influence insulin activity And blood sugar levels.
•So from Brown fat to bone to insulin-secreting pancreas to control of blood sugar, the progression is clear: Healthy skeletal structure results in a healthy function that prevents chronic diseases
•all health in the bone is influence by the inflammatory signals from other parts of the body- like angry fats and arthritis. there is a strong connection between heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoporosis. they all share a common disturbance in the core physiological processes.
•15 minute post meal walk improves blood sugar and insulin regulation
•10,000 steps a day after six weeks improves blood pressure, cholesterol, and cardiovascular function And fitness, and psychological well-being
•  Days after stopping exercise programs, insulin sensitivity decreases and accumulation of angry fat that increases. Decrease insulin sensitivity occurs first before fat accumulation linking diabetes to cell communication issues
•180-age = beats per minute 150 minutes a week on aerobic zone
•Exercise is important for cellular transport; 15 min walk after meals significantly lowered blood glucose
•NOTE: connection between an imbalance in cellular transport and detoxification process is close.  So if the low-glycemic diet and exercise do not correct the insulin resistance then intervene in the detox process. Research shows it’s improved the sugar, insulin and triglycerides levels- validating the idea that POPs stored in the fat tissues can release toxins that poison the energy powerhouse of the cell (mitochondria) and reduce insulin production and cellular function – causing insulin resistance which causes chronic illnesses like diabetes, metabolic syndrome, CVD, etc.
•CALCIUM AND VITAMIN D are important for your skeletal health.  Weight bearing exercises should include these supplements, but only with weight bearing exercises.


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