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||Histology||1st professional MBBS examination of Dhaka University Question/Answer-(Part-1)

Histology is the study of the microanatomy of cells, tissues, and organs as seen through a microscope. It examines the correlation between structure and function. Histology Guide teaches the visual art of recognizing the structure of cells and tissues and understanding how this is determined by their function.
Histology,also known as microscopic anatomy or microanatomy,is the branch of biology which studies the microscopic anatomy of biological tissues.Histology is the microscopic counterpart to gross anatomy, which looks at larger structures visible without a microscope. Although one may divide microscopic anatomy into organology, the study of organs histology, the study of tissues and cytology, the study of cells. In medicine, histopathology is the branch of histology that includes the microscopic identification and study of diseased tissue.In the field of paleontology, the term paleohistology refers to the histology of fossil organisms.
1 Biological tissues
1.1 Animal tissue classification
1.2 Plant tissue classification
2 Medical histology
2.1 Occupations
3 Sample preparation
3.1 Fixation
3.2 Selection and trimming
3.3 Embedding
3.4 Sectioning
3.5 Staining
3.6 Specialized techniques
3.7 Artifacts
4 History
5 Notes
6 References

Biological tissues:
Animal tissue classification:
There are four basic types of animal tissues: muscle tissue, nervous tissue, connective tissue, and epithelial tissue. All animal tissues are considered to be subtypes of these four principal tissue types (for example, blood is classified as connective tissue, since the blood cells are suspended in an extracellular matrix, the plasma)
Simple epithelium
Simple squamous epithelium
Simple cuboidal epithelium
Simple columnar epithelium
Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
Stratified epithelium
Stratified squamous epithelium
Stratified cuboidal epithelium
Stratified columnar epithelium
Transitional epithelium
Multicellular glands!
2.Connective tissue
General connective tissue
Loose connective tissue
Dense connective tissue
Special connective tissue
3.Muscle tissue
Smooth muscle
Skeletal muscle
Cardiac muscle
4.Nervous tissue
Central nervous system
Peripheral nervous system
Special receptors

Histology Guide- teaches the visual art of recognizing the structure of cells and tissues and understanding how this is determined by their function. Rather than reproducing the information found in a histology textbook, a user is shown how to apply this knowledge to interpret cells and tissues as viewed through a microscope.

1.What is histology used for?
Histopathology is the diagnosis and study of diseases of the tissues, and involves examining tissues and/or cells under a microscope. Histopathologists are responsible for making tissue diagnoses and helping clinicians manage a patient’s care.
2.What is an example of histology?
noun. The definition of histology is the study of the microscopic structure of animal or plant tissues. The study of human tissue is an example of histology.
3.What is histology and cytology?
The main difference between Histology and Cytology is that the Histology is a study of the microscopic anatomy of cells and tissues of plants and animals and Cytology is a branch of life science that deals with the study of cells in terms of structure, function and chemistry.
4.Does histology mean cancer?
NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms. A description of a tumor based on how abnormal the cancer cells and tissue look under a microscope and how quickly the cancer cells are likely to grow and spread. … Grading systems are different for each type of cancer. They are used to help plan treatment and determine prognosis.
5.What is histology pathology?
The National Cancer Institute defines histopathology as “the study of diseased cells and tissues using a microscope.”1Histology is the study of tissues, and pathology is the study of disease. So taken together, histopathology literally means the study of tissues as relates to disease.
6.Why is histology important?
Histology can help students gain a better understanding of cell behavior and reproduction, making cellular biology more understandable. Likewise, because tissues are the building blocks of virtually everything in the body, understanding histology enables students to predict and understand organ behavior and function.
7.What is a histology sample?
Histology is a term that refers to the study of the microscopic anatomy of tissues and cells. Proper histological sample preparation for light microscopy is essential for obtaining quality results from tissue samples. … First, the sample is fixed, in order to preserve the tissue and slow down tissue degradation.


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