Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

How We Left the Bering Land Bridge Theory and What We Think Now Pt 2

Here we wrap up our tale regarding the history of Western thought about Indigenous American origins. The Land Bridge Theory is what most Americans alive today were taught in school, but hasn’t been the leading academic theory for almost 2 decades. Watch to learn why and what we do think now.

Pt 1—

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Links to other videos referenced
Were People really in North America 30,000 years ago?: The Chiquihuite Cave site by Nathanael Fosaaen—

The research for this video is heavily indebted to my 2 main sources
The First Americans: In Pursuit of Archaeology’s Greatest Mystery
—JM Adovasio and Jake Page

1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus
—Charles C Mann

00:00 Summary of Clovis 1st
03:02 Bluefish Caves
06:45 Language, genes, and teeth paper
10:57 Intro to genetics
13:12 Indigenous genetics
16:43 Meadowcroft Rockshelter
21:30 Monte Verde
27:42 The Ice Free Corridor
29:40 The Overkill Hypothesis
31:55 Other pre-Clovis sites
34:44 Sea Route Theory
36:52 Austronesian route
40:24 Racist theorizing
42:30 Kennewick Man
46:17 Weird haplogroups
48:40 the Solutrean Hypothesis
52:47 Analysis and conclusion


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