Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Lactate: The unsung Hero of Exercise

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REFERENCES (Copy & Paste DOI into Search Engine)
[1] doi:10.1016/j.jbiosc.2022.12.001
[2] doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0000927


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#exercise #lactate #healthscience


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37 thoughts on “Lactate: The unsung Hero of Exercise
    AMENDMENT: I use 'proton' and 'atom' interchangeably in the video, which is technically incorrect. Hydrogen is an atom, but once it loses it's electron (as seen in the images), it only has it's proton left, which is technically no longer an atom, then. I should have characterized it as a proton (sans atom) or a hydrogen ion.

  2. Nutrition Made Simple was the way I got here, and I'm enjoying myself very much. Subscribed and liked already a couple of your videos. Keep up the good work, its truly a great experience for us layman to understand our bodies a bit better on a professional level via videos like this one 🙂

  3. I'm 53 and I just wondering how different my life would be if I had teachers like Nic throughout my entire education. I can't get enough of your content! Thank you ????

  4. I've heard that prolonged exercise like running can cause problems from too much cortisol, though. Easy zone 2 stuff, weights, or hiit/sprints aren't so bad though, just not hours and hours of medium intensity running a week.

  5. Long ago I read HST and they mentioned something about lactate being an important molecular signal. There was a study (or more) where people who are unable to produce it have difficulty gaining muscle, IIRC.

  6. You really help illuminate all the different ways my mutation affects me/us far beyond the acronym it's been given and validates my understanding of things.

    It also oddly reminds me of religion lol
    "The paths are many but the gates are few"????

  7. Mechanism for the benefits of exercising is something people have studied a long time and now it turns out to be something that simple!? I guess lactic acid is too slowly absorbed to be used as effective supplement. Otherwise we would probably see it being used already.

  8. You have firmly placed yourself in the small group of people I'd pay to go on a weekend hike through the mountains with. It would be non-stop conversation and it would be fascinating. Oops, I meant FASCINATING. Let me know when you have the Physionic Insiders Weekend Hike Tier. I'm in. 🙂 I'd probably return from the hike taking weird supplements and doing even more self-experimenting.

  9. All the running studies have said to do lactate threshold training at 10% to 15% of total training and mostly low intensity running. Does this change any of it?

  10. nice video. Id be interested to know what the feedback or regulatory pathway/s are that result in increased heart rate as exercise intensity increases.Do cells release lactate as intensity increases, and this then triggers the heart via the brain or directly to increase HR? Does this increase in HR result in more oxidative phosphorylation and hence less lactate, or is the purpose of faster circulation more about blowing off increasing amounts of CO2 than supplying more oxygen?

  11. I’m a little confused. I thought oxygen was critical to prevent cancer growth, even hyperbaric oxygen. (Please see the most recent Huberman / Lustig podcast for more detailed insights. I also thought hydrogen was critical for optimizing energy (suggested by its role in so many bodily processes, and hence something to by maximized in whatever way possible, including molecular hydrogen tablets, not an acidifier to be pushed out of the muscles and excreted to the blood? And I thought positive ions were also something to be maximized, such as through methyl donors like TMG, as this enables the RNA to silence unhealthy gene expressions?

  12. This would seem to be the mechanism for Blood Flow Restriction benefits. The muscles become hypoxic and are forced to glycolysis and generate lactic acid. The molecule signals the rest of the body that a very hard workout took place and obtains all the benefits. I have just started with it and find that my sleep is much improved. Watch Chris Helmsworth trying it to understand the downsides of BFR, it hurts just as much as a very hard workout.

  13. Excellent brain info. New in vitro experiments that lactate, a nonglucose fuel, is an efficient energy substrate for neurons and may be used preferentially by neurons to maintain synaptic transmission, particularly during periods of intense activity. This is or can be of huge benefit for APOE4’s and anyone whom may have dimentia or AD family risks. Great work!!

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