Sunday, July 7, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Look after the cell, feed the cell, protect the cell & technically that cell will not age.

Dr Ash Kapoor, a leading clinician in ageing and longevity talks about the latest discoveries and learning that reveal the secrets of living a long and healthy life. If we understand what aging is then we can do something about it. It’s not sufficient to understand life through our organs and the big diseases that kill us – we have to know how the cells work, how they age and what goes wrong – herein lies the real secrets of life.

He emphasizes the significance of understanding cellular ageing processes to effectively address longevity. Dr. Kapoor argues that by focusing on the health and maintenance of individual cells, then the tissues and organs will take care of themselves. The secret? Look after the cell, feed the cell, protect the cell and technically that cell will not age.

Dr Kapoor believes that changes can be made no matter what age we are – it’s never to young and never too late. We can cure ourselves.
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