Saturday, July 6, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Marjory Wildcraft on 3 Reasons Why You Should Start Growing Your Own Food

In this episode, I am speaking with Marjory Wildcraft, the founder of The Grow Network, author of The Grow System: The Essential Guide to Modern Self-Sufficiency—From Growing Food to Making Medicine, published by Penguin Random House and featured by National Geographic as an expert in off grid living.   Today, Marjory spends most of her time teaching people to grow up towards half of their own food in their backyards, which is what we are going to discuss in this podcast.

In this podcast, Marjory and I discuss: 

Why and how Marjory became an expert on growing your own food.
As food supply issues accelerate across the world, why her expertise and your action may matter far more than most people understand.
How growing your own food helps you on a physical, mental and spiritual level
What the future may hold for us and why we must be prepared (this is no longer the exclusive territory of conspiracy theorists and paranoid preppers, trust me!)
Which foods we need to focus on for the future and how long a state of emergency we need to be prepared for.
How you can easily learn how to grow what you need with minimal space (and even start if you don’t even have a garden!)
Which animals are the easiest to supply your protein requirements
How growing your own food can be a way to find a new community of friends and a network of support.

Show Notes:
Eat For Energy Intro (00:00)
Intro (17:04)
Why we should focus on growing our own food (27:50)
Bill Gates buying up farmland (34:50)
Why you should buy a survival food stock (43:00)
How you get started growing your own food (48:13)


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