Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Miguel Angel Armada sans SP titles

Marine EPIC™ provides numerous benefits that are largely due to the presence of molecules from sea urchin roe; marine polyphenols, known as “Spinochromes” Spinochromes have been scientifically studied for over 50 years*. In addition to having antioxidant power several times greater than other antioxidants on the market, another primary difference with spinochromes is that they are very small and their polarity is very high. This allows them to easily enter cells, triggering highly beneficial ripple effects, such as glutathione production, increased numbers of mitochondria (the cells’ energy factories), and an increased production of available ATP (cellular fuel).
Spinochromes present in Marine EPIC ® fulfill a double function: stabilizing free radicals, lowering oxidative stress and energizing cells, activating mitochondria, and increasing AT and cellular oxygen. This leads to improved cell function and decreased inflammation.
Marine EPIC®, is a synergic formulation of Spinochromes found in sea urchin caviar, which, together with a Vitamin B Complex, is in optimal balance with the micro-algae, Chlorella. For this reason, it improves the immune system, boosts glutathione production, as well as the mitochondrial mass and activity, and improves cellular detoxification.


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