Monday, May 20, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

#MITOCHONDRIA ( Structure and function of mitochondria) SCIENCE BIOLOGY NCERT ( CBSE/ ICSE BOARD )

#MITOCHONDRIA ( Structure and function of mitochondria) SCIENCE BIOLOGY NCERT ( CBSE/ ICSE BOARD )
##### TOPIC COVER #######
1. Label diagram of mitochondria
2. Different parts of mitochondria
3. Discovery of mitochondria
4. Why mitochondria called as semiautonomous cell organelles
5. Function of mitochondria
6. Why mitochondria called as power house of the cell
7. What do you mean about ELECTRON TRANSPORT CHAIN
8. Function of matrix part of mitochondria
9. Function of F1 PARTICLE OR OXYSOMES Parts of mitochondria
10. Function of Cristae part of mitochondria


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