Sunday, May 19, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Mitochondrial Biogenesis – Make New Mitochondria Safe & Natural

Mitochondrial Biogenesis : Make New Mitochondria Safe & Natural
Link to Ultra Accel ll for mitochondrial biogenesis

CoQ10, PQQ andthe recently added & Chinese immortality vine together provide cellular energy and a Fountain of Youth (anti-aging) by repairing damaged mitochondria & even regenerating new mitochondria! Hence the name mitochondrial biogenesis.

The Chinese immortality vine takes PQQ and CoQ10 to the next level. Now we know that many chronic diseases directly correlate to the health and availability of our cellular mitochondria.

Mitochondria are the energy furnace packets found our cells. Mitochondria have their own DNA. PQQ is plant based natural compound. Only supplementation provides enough PQQ to enhance the mitochondria.

The immortality vine boosts the cells’ ability to produce AMP, the fundamental fuel of our bodies. Mitochondria produce more energy for our cellular functions when there are more mitochondria which can make AMP which is the body’s fuel for driving life’s many reactions.

Add CoQ10 to the mix and you have a trifecta of cellular energy production which is the was to go. CoQ10 stimulates the heart muscle as it beats 2 1/2 billion times in a lifetime. We make our own CoQ10, but we are not able to meet our needs after the age of 40.

Plants are required for PQQ. Combining PQQ and CoQ10 will make you feel more energized. Upgrade your CoQ10 with PQQ & Chinese immortality vine.

Dr. Al Sears has a PQQ and Q10 supplement which is already into its first upgrade. Now with the addition of the immortality vine, it is appropriately called Ultra Accel ll. The ll designates the upgrade and means we are current in our information as well as evergreen with regard to energy production.

Click the link at the start of this description to get Dr. Sears’ Ultra Accel ll.

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