Thursday, July 4, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Morning Detox Routine | Full Body Cleanse Detox

This video is about my Morning Detox Routine. I have been asked by many friends and clients what a Full Body Detox Cleanse looks like, so I decided to show what a typical morning looks like. Although I originally started this protocol because of my mold illness, it can have a significant positive impact on the health of many people, by reducing the toxic burden on one’s body. Before I got sick from toxic exposure, I was unaware of the daily exposure we get to various harmful substances via air pollution, fragrance, preservatives, food additives, herbicides and pesticides and so much more.

If there were one thing I could tell my younger self (before I felt the effects of a toxic mold exposure) it would be to limit my toxic exposure, and to do a full body cleanse detox to lower the toxic load on my body. This may not seem like the most sexy, or exciting thing to some people, but I strongly believe that doing so will lead to increased healthy and vitality, and there is nothing that is more important than that.

Doing a detox before you have symptoms or issues (as I did) is much easier than doing after you are unwell, because the various systems of your body are still functioning well, and can help you through the process. That said, if you must start after feeling unwell, remember to be gentle with your body. May people believe that they can “power through” a detox, and that is where you are wrong. A detox should be done so gently and slowly, that you still feel very good during the process. That said, there will be days when you feel certain detox or die off symptoms. Although this is part of the process too, it is important not to push yourself through the process too quickly. If I have a headache, feel extra tired or congested or my rosacea flares, I usually take a few days off to let my body catch up, and then I continue.

The routine that I am showing you is a more intense one that I will be doing for a few more months. After that I will pair down to a few products to maintain the progress I have made. As a hair colorist, I am exposed to chemicals daily, so I will continue to take:

BioActive Carbon Biotox –
To bind and remove unwanted toxins daily. As a hair colorist, I am exposed to chemicals in the air each workday from hair color and hair products

MitoRestore –
To keep my energy levels steady and high, and promote proper mitochondrial function

Tudca Complete –
To support my liver and kidneys, and encourage healthy bile production. Because….you can’t get the toxins out if your detox organs are not functioning well/

The full Microbe Formulas Detox protocol can be found here: although many people try to cherry pick the products that they think they need, the entire protocol works synergistically, and is designed to be completed in the order shown. my microbe formulas discount code (that you may use for 10 percent off your order) is: Megan10

My Berkey water filter – This is amazing, and the water tastes (and is) so pure!

My favorite Netti Pot – It is so beautiful, and actually looks pretty in your home

Glass teapot – healthier than metal or ceramic when boiling water

5 minute journal – an amazing (and fast) way to start your day with gratitude and a positive attitude.

The two products I use to balance out my water (minerals and energy)
MitoRestore –
Minerals –

The drops I add to a glass of water in the morning to oxygenate my cells –
Biomolecular Oxygen –

Poli pet products (detox for pets) – Promotional code MEGANGRAHAM takes 25 percent off your order
At first, it was hard for me to make the time to take care of my body on a deeper level. Like many others, I wanted a quick fix: a 3 day detox plan, or a 7 day detox plan. But the truth is, you can’t clear out toxins that took years to accumulate in a matter of days. I really hope that this video inspires you to better care for, and nourish your body. I promise the energy, health and vitality you get will be worth it!

Stay healthy and beautiful!
Megan Graham

DISCLAIMER: This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for the support!

Time codes:
0:00 – Morning detox routine / full body cleanse detox
0:09 – Mimosa Pudica and Formula 1
0:36 – Neti Pot
1:00 – Berkey water filter
1:54 – Poli pet products / Poli pet renew and boost pet detox
2:20 -Microbe Formula minerals and Mitorestore
3:16 – 5 minute journal
3:24- Microbe Formulas foundational protocol


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