Sunday, July 7, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Natural Energy – What You Need to Know in About 1 Minute

Have you heard about Natural Mitochondrial Energy? Here’s what you need to know in about one minute.

All the energy that your cells use comes from your mitochondria. They are literally the powerhouses for our bodies.

Each cell in your body can have anywhere from two mitochondria to two thousand depending on age, type and condition. The more mitochondria a cell has and the better shape they’re in, the more energy they can produce.

But like everything, mitochondria need the right conditions to give their best. And they’re subject to damage from things like oxidative free radicals.

Mitergy from Purpose Nutrition is a patent-pending, multi-action supplement that combines all the best ingredients for supporting your mitochondrial health.

Mitergy contains Niagen, elevATP™ and rhodiola to help your mitochondria make energy.

Mitergy also has Acetyl L-Carnitine–which helps bring fat molecules into the mitochondria to be burned as fuel, and Alpha Lipoic Acid that supports the ATP energy cycle that they told you about in high school science class. Together, these help promote efficient energy production.

And to protect your mitochondria from damage, Mitergy contains pterostilbene – a “super” form of resveratrol that protects cells from harmful oxidative compounds that may impair their function.

Mitergy brings together the best and latest research about Natural Mitochondrial Energy Support into one non-stimulant supplement.

Purpose Nutrition provides nutritional formulations that can deliver real, measurable results based on the best available science with no compromises.

Learn more and see the scientific studies at:


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