Sunday, May 19, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Optimizing Adaptation And Performance

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In these videos you’ll learn:

Metabolic Performance Series:
Cortisol and its Downstream Metabolic Effects with James LaValle

The impact of chronic stress on circadian rhythms, hormonal output and performance
Downstream effects of elevated cortisol on blood sugar regulation, anabolic hormone output, and cognitive function
How overtraining drives imbalances in the autonomic nervous system leading to significant impairments in health and performance
The most powerful regulator of the training response and performance

Performance Profiling as a Platform for Program Design with Kevin Neeld

How to construct a comprehensive testing protocol to identify exactly what qualities will have the largest impact on an athlete’s performance
Strategies to systematically analyze data to set objective training goals for individual athletes
The power of using aggregate scores as a diagnostic tool and for communicating with athletes and coaches
Essential considerations to avoid common mistakes in interpreting testing data
The three primary strategies of individualizing the training target within a team or group setting

In-Season Modeling: Unlocking Performance while Minimizing Fatigue with Mike Potenza

Why in-season “maintenance” programs set the athletes up for failure
The 7 essential considerations in designing an in-season training program
How to simplify the program design process with specific training targets
Compatible and non-compatible training qualities and how to use block periodization to ensure the training program delivers the best possible adaptation
Strategies to monitor in-season workload and performance to determine the success of your program
The best practices of sport staff communication and reporting

Mitochondrial Optimization: Driving Energy at the Cellular Level
with James LaValle

The impact of mitochondria within skeletal muscle and exercise strategies to maximize mitochondrial development
The 5 key regulators of mTOR and its powerful effect on muscle development
The most effective supplement you’ve never heard of for muscle growth AND fat loss
Supplementation strategies for improving mitochondrial function and combatting inflammation
The impact of intermittent fasting and the “Fasting Mimicking Diet” on key markers of health and training adaptation

Workload and Recovery Monitoring to Drive Practice,
Training, and Recovery Interventions with Kevin Neeld

Different types of workload monitoring strategies to fit any budget
How understanding the relationship between workload and injury risk can have a significant impact on sport performance
How to handle missing data to improve the accuracy of a workload analysis
Data visualization strategies to answer the top 5 questions coaches ask
A step-by-step guide for building a report to provide impactful information to the coaching staff
Why generic recovery recommendations may be IMPAIRING your training progress
A goal-based system of knowing exactly when to use both popular and lesser known recovery strategies

Reconditioning: Philosophy and Integration of Assessment and
Programming Strategies with Mike Potenza

The essential role performance coaches play in preparing an athlete for success after an injury, and why both medical and performance professionals have “stake in the game”
The 3 most overlooked considerations in determining whether an athlete is ready to return to sport
A step-by-step reconditioning model to help facilitate the athlete’s physical development from immediately post-surgery through return to sport
How to use data to support decisions about an athlete’s readiness to return, and to effectively communicate the athlete’s progress to the coaching staff

Gut Immune Brain Function from Diet to Gut Health with James LaValle

A deeper understanding of how gut, brain, and immune health are inter-related and affected by stress
Powerful factors affecting digestive health and the development of food allergies
The 6 most effective supplements for improving immune function in athletes
A commonly overlooked mineral deficiency that can influences energy levels, inflammation, muscle spasms, sleep quality, and testosterone levels


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