Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

P.D. Mangan of Rogue Health and Fitness

Life-changing, cutting-edge health advice for men
Are you overweight or obese?

Do you lack energy and sex drive?

Do you want to put on some muscle?

And have you been frustrated by conventional health advice, which has left you in the lurch, without good results?

Hey, my name is P. D. Mangan, and I’m 63 years old, and I feel and look better than ever. I’m getting the most out of my life.

I wasn’t always like this. I suffered from chronic fatigue and followed conventional advice on diet and exercise.

I used to follow standard health advice: eat a low-fat diet, do aerobic exercise for physical fitness, watch my cholesterol, all that stuff. But instead of becoming healthier, I got sick.

What brought you here?
Maybe you’re overweight or obese or on the verge of diabetes, and nothing that your doctor says, or that standard advice on the matter advises, has helped.

Maybe you’re skinny fat and want to get muscular.

Maybe your doctor wants you to take a statin because your cholesterol is allegedly too high, and you’re skeptical about taking a drug that you’ve heard may be toxic.

Or maybe you’ve always taken care of yourself, but want to go the extra mile and discover world-class anti-aging interventions, and how to be lean and well-built.

If any of these apply to you, you’ve come to the right place.
Mainstream health advice is often less than optimal, and in many cases completely ineffective and sometimes dangerous.

Just a few years ago, after following popular health and fitness advice, I had chronic fatigue. Doctors could do nothing.

My long journey through health led me to weightlifting, a whole, unprocessed food diet, and to the science of physical fitness and anti-aging.

To get up to speed rapidly on the point of view of this site, I suggest that you read The 20 Principles of Rogue Health, and My Current Anti-Aging Program.

At Rogue Health and Fitness, we’re dedicated to exploring cutting-edge science in men’s health.
Mainstream advice pretty much sucks, with sub-optimal or ineffective interventions like aerobic exercise (“cardio”) and counting calories or low-fat diets, and it has an obsession with toxic drugs like statins and antidepressant SSRIs.

Furthermore, mainstream health advice doesn’t emphasize the importance of testosterone, libido, and muscle, or how men can slow or reverse the aging process. (Article continues below.)

I’ve gone “rogue” against the standard advice of the medical establishment.
After doctors could not cure my illness, I decided to do my own research. With my formal education in pharmacology, biochemistry, and microbiology, I was able to see through the BS and figure out that the right diet and exercise could be a big help – just not the kind of diet and exercise that leading authorities recommend.


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