Sunday, July 7, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Parkinson disease revisited, glut4, diabetes, neurogenesis, mitochondrial biogenesis

Parkinson disease is a/w diabetes. Substantia nigra cells have glucose type 4 (glut4) transporters; which means they are vulnerable to insulin resistance (IR). Glut 4 transporters are insulin dependent. Dopamine neurons in the SN have about 2 million mitochondria. They need lots of glucose. IR deprives these neurons of glucose. Lecture explains some pathophysiology of Parkinson’s, including an intro to the Braak hypothesis, leaky gut hypothesis, autoimmune hypothesis, metabolic hypothesis (with diabetes), pesticide hypothesis. Lecture explains how to promote neurogenesis and mitochondrial biogenesis. How to optimize blood flow to SN. Video mentions the work of the brilliant neurologist Alberto Espay MD, and his great book “Brain Fables,” but also explains that nutrition and exercise are under utilized to help Parkinson’s disease patients.


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