Thursday, July 4, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

PCOS: Lifestyle Changes for Infertility, Inflammation, Hormone Balance and more

This podcast episode focuses on PCOS and the lifestyle changes that can make a positive impact on the lives of individuals with this condition. PCOS is a common endocrine issue in reproductive women, characterized by hormone imbalances and inflammation. Nurse Doza emphasizes the importance of tracking monthly cycles in-depth, including duration, pain, discomfort, clotting, and other factors. They highlight the significance of considering the monthly cycle as a “report card” that reflects a woman’s lifestyle and body’s response to it. Additionally, the host suggests tracking hormone levels through lab work to identify specific hormone imbalances and address them effectively. By actively tracking cycles and hormones, individuals with PCOS can gain a better understanding of their condition and make targeted lifestyle changes to improve their quality of life.


00:00: START

01:12: Explanation of PCOS as a combination of hormone imbalances and inflammation.

03:44: Emphasizing the need to track hormones through lab work.

07:15: Recommendation of resveratrol as a supplement for PCOS.

11:13: Recommendation of cold exposure to help with hormone balance.

13:14: Recommendation of fasting as a way to reset metabolism and regulate hormones.

17:50: Emphasis on the benefits of fasting for PCOS.

19:39: Reiteration of the importance of tracking hormones and monthly cycle.

We’re excited to introduce Mitochondriac, a revolutionary supplement designed to support your body’s mitochondrial health. Perfect for anyone looking to enhance their energy levels and overall wellness. Stay tuned to learn more about managing PCOS and discover how Mitochondriac can be a game-changer in your health journey. @s/mitochondriac/

PCOS Management Show Notes:

Tracking Your Cycle:

Essential for understanding PCOS-related fertility issues.
Note days, duration, pain, clotting, cramps, and changes in flow.
Tracking Hormone Labs:

Important hormones to monitor: Insulin, DHEA-s, Estradiol, Testosterone, Cortisol, A1c, Lipids.
The link between obesity and PCOS complications.
Study: @s-conditions/pcos/symptoms-causes/syc-20353439

Resveratrol Supplementation:

Significant decrease in DHEA-S and fasting insulin levels with resveratrol intake[^1^].
Effective in reducing testosterone, LH, and DHEAS levels in women with PCOS[^3^].
Potential disease-modifying effect in PCOS observed in transvaginal ultrasound studies[^4^].

PubMed on Resveratrol
Springer Link on Androgen Production
NCBI on Resveratrol and PCOS
PubMed on Resveratrol and PCOS

Cold Exposure Benefits:

The role of adiponectin, leptin, and AMPK in ovarian function[^1^].
BAT transplantation reversing anovulation and hyperandrogenism in PCOS models[^2^].
Insulin resistance, a common feature in PCOS, linked with reduced BAT activity.

Biomed Central on Ovarian Function
Fasting for PCOS:

The role of moderate caloric restriction in preventing and reversing PCOS symptoms.
Benefits of fasting on insulin sensitivity and hormone regulation[^4^].
Study: NCBI on Caloric Restriction and PCOS

As we wrap up this enlightening episode, let’s focus on energizing our body at the cellular level with Mitochondria. This supplement is crafted to bolster your mitochondrial health, ensuring that your cells function optimally. Whether you’re dealing with PCOS or simply seeking to boost your vitality, Mitochondria is your ally. Experience the difference with enhanced energy and wellness. Click and start supporting your body’s powerhouses today.


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