Sunday, July 7, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Ribosome, Mitochondria, Nucleus, Lysosome and cell membrane details in Hindi Urdu by bilal Hussain

In this video we are going to discuss about ribosome , mitochondria, nucelus, lysosome and cell membrane in details .
Ribosome is the non membrane bounded organelle. It is very important organelle because it help the cell to make protein. Similarly mitochondria is a membrane is the membrane bounded organelle. It contain two membrane outer and inner membrane. Mitochondria provide energy to cell in the form of ATP.
Beside these two organelles another organelle which is lysosome. Lysosome is also called disposal system , dust bin or catabolic station of cell. It kill microorganism and damage parts of cell. Similarly nucleus is an another part of cell. It is also called brain or office of cell. It control all activities of cell.
Another important part of cell is cell membrane, which is considered to be covering of cell. It helps in the movement of molecules in and out of the cell.
In thsi video we will also learn about …

Ribosome structure
Ribosome function
Ribosome are made of
70s ribosome
bacterial ribosome

mitochondria structure and function
mitochondria structure
mitochondria function
matrix of mitochondria
power house of cell
mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
powerhouse of the cell
mitochondria are absent in

nucleus structure
function of the nucleus
nucleus structure and function
nucleolus function
function of nucleolus
cell nucleus

Lysosome fucntion
lysosome structure

Cell membrane
Cell membrane structure
Cell membrane function
Plasma membrane function
Plasma membrane is made of
Cell membrane definition
Cell membrane structure and function
plasma membrane structure snd function
Fluid mosaic model
cell membrane is made of
Plasma membrane is made of
Composition of cell membrane
chemical composition of cell membrane
Chemical composition of plasma membrane
Plasma membrane composition
Fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane
Fluid mosaic model of cell membrane
Plasma membrane is made of,
cell membrane is made of
plasma membrane definition
cell membrane structure
cell membrane function
mosaic fluid model
Fluid mosaic model
Cell membrane definition and function
cell membrane composition
chemical composition of plasma membrane
plasma membrane composition
Mosaic fluid model
Bilal hussain biology


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