Thursday, July 4, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

Sound and Frequency Driven Mitochondria | Dr. Catherine Clinton

Let’s dive into the makeup of sound and frequency-driven mitochondria and how to support their function.

Dr. Catherine Clinton


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About Catherine Clinton, Author | Educator:
Dr. Catherine Clinton has spent over 15 years helping people overcome their health issues. Diagnosed with two autoimmune conditions and Lyme disease while in medical school, she began the long and difficult journey of healing- a path that led to the commitment to help others to not only heal physically but to return to the relationships we evolved over millennia with for a deeper sense of health and belonging.

By healing herself and patients like her, she discovered that true health comes from our relationships. Dr. Catherine has learned how our quantum biological system is intimately and inseparably connected to the world around us. Our relationship with the dirt beneath our feet, the sun, the wind, the water, the plants, the seasons, each other- that is the real medicine.

Her mission is to empower as many people as she can with this knowledge to encourage the paradigm shift, we so desperately need.


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14 thoughts on “Sound and Frequency Driven Mitochondria | Dr. Catherine Clinton
  1. Dr. Catherine Clinton's transformative journey from personal healing to empowering others emphasizes the vital connection between our well-being and the natural world. Her mission to instigate a paradigm shift towards true health and belonging is both inspiring and necessary.

  2. Despite de content of this channel which is of course very useful, I love the face of Dr Catherine, for me shes sooo pretty, what a face! what an eyes. Surely we had relationship in other lives. I can watch her speaking for hours,. What a shame she doesnt live here in Curitiba-Brazil. 😉 Maybe it its her energy mixed with this beautiful face that enchants me so much. Thanx for existing Dr Cat

  3. My experiences with meditation support what you're saying here, Catherine. Meditation produces so much energy within me that I stopped doing long meditations before bedtime. It is a very noticeable, & repeatable effect, especially for meditations over an hour. The longer the meditation, the longer I sustain that high vibration afterwards, because it alters patterns of thought/emotion. (I can actually see the energy as strobing lights with my eyelids closed. My ability to see that energy started about 3 months after I began meditating.) I'm pretty much guaranteed to not sleep for 8 to 10 hours after meditating for an hour. Short meditations of 15 to 30 minutes don't have as dramatic effect on energy level for me, and just as you would expect, the strobing white lights I see are far less pronounced after a short meditation as opposed to the longer ones.

  4. I don't always get the feeling that healthcare professionals are willing to go deep or ground level on the truth, and still, have the gift to communicate it. I really get the integral, authentic vibe from you, and you have a solid ability to communicate complex ideas simply. Subscribed.

  5. Amazing, I'm a firm believer in low frequency therapy. I feel that music therapy as a mood enhancer is a separate effect as compared to actual energy transfer from the physical body. 20k watts of 20-60hz has an intense feeling.

  6. Hello Dr Catherine, please can you explore Mitochondria functioning in relation to Tesla. What frequency are we talking about???

    PS I no longer do any form of meditation after having extremely bizzare kundalini awakening. It was not enlightening. Quite the opposite. Never again!!!

  7. Thank you! The thought I had while watching this video was about my own meditative practice which has become something of a necessity this year due to a pituitary tumor, and I find the meditation so much easier to do while listening to calming music. This video made me wonder if there's some mitochondrial repair function at play with the music while I'm listening. Excited to see where you go with this series Dr. Catherine.

  8. Interesting concept . I'm 58 & although i like a few different genres of music , I've always referred to Ska as my " happy music" …it's impossible for me to remain down /sad when i listen to Ska .

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