Sunday, July 7, 2024
Mitochondrial Health


Recent research found that our mitochondria rely on structured water to move protons and produce ATP.
Our mitochondria make ATP, our energy currency and more, from the flow of electrons and protons.

Proton transfer reactions along chains of structured water play a central role in the function of complex I in the electron transport chain.
When looking at complex I in the mitochondrial membrane from yeast researchers found that it contained 275 structured water molecules.

For so long we’ve relegated the mitochondria to a powerhouse, creating ATP for the cell.
Much more than a machine that produces energy in the form of ATP,
Our mitochondria play a pivotal role in our structured water body.

Remember structured water H3O2 is different than regular water H2O.
It is organized and aligned with the ability to capture, store and utilize energy from light, sound and frequency.
This structured water lines our cell surfaces, vessels and organelles like our mitochondria.

The electron transport chain creates infrared energy and deuterium depleted water DDW as well as ATP.
DDW is perfectly suited to form into the hexagonal lattice sheets of structured water.

The protein complex ATP synthase at the end of the electron transport chain spins as protons flow from the inner membrane space.
This creates a magnetic pull that attracts more protons to the protein.
This spinning action also creates infrared energy that directly structures the water lining our mitochondria.

Our picture of how our body works is changing.
Our ideas about health are shifting.
Reductionist, mechanistic models cannot explain the brilliance of our biology,
They can’t explain our inseparable interconnection with the world around us.


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