Thursday, July 4, 2024
Cold Thermogenesis

The Breath Controls the Mind | Brian Lai (#18)

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In this episode, Brian Lai joins me to talk about how breathwork affects your mood and mental health, our body’s ability to adapt and if we don’t use it, we lose it. We talked about the 3 entry points to the nervous system and how we can implement simple strategies to a calmer state. Brian discovered breath-work while on a journey to improve health issues of his own. His search led him to Wim Hof, best known for his superhuman abilities, redefining human potential. Brian trained under Wim Hof, becoming the first certified instructor of the Wim Hof Method in Asia, and has since continued the path and trained with other masters including Patrick McKeown and Dan Brulé. Brian’s mission is to help the people of Hong Kong and Asia live better by breathing better.

✌🏼🌱 – Dona Eder

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• Brian’s struggle with depression and how he discovered the Wim Hof method
• 8/10 people breathe in a way that is sub-optimal. Many using the wrong muscles to breathe.
• Breath controls the mind
• Explanation of the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic state. The nervous system controls the state of our mind. 
• The 3 entry points to the nervous system
• Benefits of cold exposure. Cold thermogenesis. Anti-inflammatory. Cold shock protein and heat shock protein.
• Simple breathing methods
Brian Lai
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Instagram @primalbreathwork
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0:00 Intro
2:29 Brian’s struggle with depression and how he discovered the Wim Hof method
5:30 Brian’s Vipassana experience and how it changed his life
9:10 Brian’s challenge to keep up with the meditation and going back to his old ways
10:00 Randomly came across Wim Hof’s video and found his course in 2015
12:15 We lost our ability to adapt to the environment 
13:25 8/10 people breathe in a way that is sub-optimal
14:30 Quick check on how you breathe
15:20 We breathe 23,000 times/ day – many using the wrong muscles to breathe.
16:45 Dental and jaw structure issues due to a “soft” diet.
18:40 Issues with mouth breathing
21:00 Brian’s experience with anxiety and drinking problem
23:00 Addiction is the symptoms of the root cause 
25:01 Breath controls the mind Dan Brûlé, 
26:00 Explanation of the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic state. The nervous system controls the state of our mind. 
26:55 The 3 entry points to the nervous system
27:00 Forward movement calms the overactive amygdala 
27:51 The way we see is linked to the nervous system through 2 pathways – panoramic and tunnel visions.
31:44 Adaptation and de-evolution. James Nestor’s book, “Breath” 
34:00 The benefits of cold exposure. Cold thermogenesis. Anti-inflammatory. Cold shock protein and heat shock protein.
36:40 Cold exposure triggers the cannabinoid receptors
37:00 Human body is the largest drug factory
37:30 Cold exposure with guidance and is not for everyone.
37:50 What impact does Brian want to make in Hong Kong with breathwork? 
39:00 There are a few breathwork methods out there, it’s not one size fits all. Find the one that fits you.
39:29 A breathwork practice that doesn’t suit your health state can make your condition worse.
40:00 Simple breathing methods. Breathe awareness. 
41:35 Noticing signals an hour prior anxiety attack hits and takes control.
44:46 Box Breathing
46:48 Breathing out through the nose vs the mouth
49:20 Rapid questions and Closing


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