Monday, May 20, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

The Heat, The Cold, and Pressurized O2 Benefits

Alright, now that we’ve covered the basics…it’s time to add on to your routine and boost your longevity. Welcome to episode 8 of The Visser Podcast! If this is your first time here, I highly reccommend visiting our last 7 episodes where we take a deep dive into ground zero of understanding and optomizing your body’s health, wellbeing, and longevity through nutrition and exercise.

Today, we will move forward and speak about how bursts of tempurature change, pressure, and oxygination of the body can boost immunity, level up your T cell count, heighten your metabolism, and so much more.

Here are a few key moments from today’s episode:

20% of your DNA is genetic, 80% of your DNA can be shifted/helped by YOU!
Find the diet that’s right for you, one that you can maintain and be happy with
Fast everyday to cleanse the body, we eat too often
fast 16 hrs, eat 8hrs
twice a year, fast for 4 days straight and drink a bunch of water
this will get rid of old protiens and really reset your internal body
In the Western world, developed countries, we have an ease of accessibility (for the most part) and from this our survival mode does not get turned on as often as it used to
Survival mode causes stress on the body and forces it to go into production of many things that help heal the body
To trigger this burst a couple times a week, in a beneficial way, we can try out cold therapy, heat therapy, and even hyperbaric chambers
Hyperbaric chambers are pressuraized pods that push oxygen into the system, it takes about 60 dives a year to really make an impact on your longevity and anti-aging, but for most this is costly and isn’t a viable option for the every-day person
Cold Therapy : Cold water immersion 3 times a week about 3-4 minutes per session
Start where you can start, don’t send your body into hypothermia and cause more harm than good, and always seek help from trainer/coach
Shocks your body into a state that will highten metabolism and induce a bit of stress
Working on control (mind/over matter) during small sessions like this will actually translate into your day-to-day life. You WILL be able to handle stress better
After 20 seconds, if you stay still within the water, there is a small heat bubble that will form around your body, so stay calm and count to 20 to focus on something else while your body adjusts
Wait at least 4 hours after you eat or exercise (strength or hypertrophy)
You can perform cold therapy right away after HIITs or sprints because it will actually help the healing process
Heat Therapy : Sauna sessions 3 sessions, 20 minutes each
Your goal is to be able to reach 80c – 100c/175F – 200F
But work your way up to that heat level!
Greatly lowers risk for cardiovascular problems
Promotes blood flow throughout the body
Always talk to your physician before attempting to add these regimines to your routine, make sure your health is up and your body is prepared
Links for further research:

Hyperbaric and Anit-aging

Wim Hof – Cold Therapy

Susanna Soberg – Cold Therapy Science


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