Monday, May 20, 2024
Mitochondrial Health

This is How Insulin Resistance Starts (and how to stop it early)

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How Insulin Resistance Develops + Lowering Blood Sugar w/Simon Hill

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Timestamps ⏱

0:00 – Intro
0:19 – 20% off Bubs Naturals
1:35 – How Insulin Resistance Develops
12:00 – How a Fatty Liver Contributes to Insulin Resistance
16:38 – Lowering Blood Sugar
20:45 – The Best Diet For You
24:58 – Early vs Late-Stage Insulin Resistance
27:11 – Low Carb vs Low Fat Diets
30:20 – What Would Simon Do If Diagnosed With Type-2 Diabetes?
31:58 – Is Losing Weight Fast Safe?
33:41 – Should You Exercise When Losing Weight Fast?
35:50 – Do This If Insulin Resistant
37:00 – Weight Loss Is More Than Just Selecting The Right Diet
37:46 – Simon & Thomas’ Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Weight
43:33 – Where to Find More of Simon’s Content


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48 thoughts on “This is How Insulin Resistance Starts (and how to stop it early)
  1. I was diagnosed with T2D in March last year. Went on a 1000kcal deficit diet which included eating as much whole foods and intermittent fasting. Dropped 15% body weight within 8 weeks. Hb1ac dropped to 6%. Since then took on resistance training and my hb1ac dropped to 5,5%. Body fat is around 11%. The other key elements is reducing stress and having good sleep to maintain a long term health strategy.

  2. lntram*ocelluar lip*da are a symptom not a cause. Highly processed starch, sugar corrupt, for no better word the liver and mitochondria because they habitually flood the liver and mitochondria which leads to dysfunction. The body, digestive tract, circulation, mitochondria in all animals is designed to process high sinew/contective tissue, high fiber whole food animal and plant diets be it omnivore, carnivore or herbivore.
    When you process grain/seed and sugar you end up with pure fuels glucose, fructose, triglycerides and amino acids flooding a system designed for whole foods it leads to dysfunction in the simpliest terms. The sugars/starches are the switch for insul*n and other hormones and because they are the switch the control storage of both sugars and fats. When the liver and mitochondria become corrupted from the flood of sugar/starch habitually from a sugar/starch foundation di*t then it damages the ability for the mitichondria and liver to process and store sugar and fa* so you end up with ectopic fa* in organs and muscle as well as habitually high blood glucose.
    I personally do not believe omnivores and/or carnivores can develop type 2 diabet*s on a animal only based diet. I believe it requires a statch foundation diet with the addition of fats be it oils saturated, mono or poly for type 2 diabet*s to occur. The why is you never see diabetes in animals in nature eating their omnivore, carnivore diets getting diabet*s but you do see animals in captivity omnivore and even herbivores getting diabetes on high glycemic fruit diets this has been observed in monkeys, chimps and even great apes. We also see it in our own pets fed high glycemic high processed commercial pet food diets. Most of all the same health issues from di*t are seen in humans and pets diabe*is, cance*s, obesi*y, oral health issues. Its why i say if your die* requires a tooth brush it cant be healthy. Yes exercise plays a role for obvious reasons but it is still the starch, sugar foundation that starts the dysfunction problem. So i know you will say well if you eat low fat you dont contend with the issue. I would say that it is the high sugar, starch that cause the damag* to the organs cause Cardio Vascular Disea*e and cholester*l produced by the liver, even in Vegans is the repair mechanism for damage caused by the starch, sugar from a starch, sugar foundation die*. Hence why you see vegans life expectancy no higher than omnivores.
    The die* humans are suppose to be eating is a lean meat, organs with low starch high fiber vegetable diet with moderate to higher glycemic fruit after moderate to high levels of exercise or work. That combination is exactly what constitutes a healthy diet for type 2 diabeti*s. We have no business eating grain period, no animal does and nature made it that way on purpose. Humans are just to arrogant to see the forest for the trees.

  3. Just doing the 18 hours fasting, 6 hours feeeding window (even when continuing to eat high carb foods…ALL food! ) has seen me loose weight from 97kg down to 91kg over 6-8 weeks…… 100% No other changes whatsoever in diet OR exercise!…….. When you feel hungry (and you definitely will😬) comprehending that that nagging feeling is a very positive thing and it will pass, it’s pretty easy to push through……. Well worth what would have to be a fairly minimal effort all things considered, instead of just buckling and falling back into the old habit of eating some brilliant tasting CRAP while watching YouTube videos and slowly piling on the pounds. 🙈🤯………I’m just hoping that it’s been all fat shrinkage and no muscle!!. Am doing 2 scoops WPI to break the 18 hour fast…….If I drop down past 88-89kg what I weighed consistently throughout my 20-30s (last ten years added on at times 10kg) I’ll know I’m loosing muscle I guess? Which I obviously don’t want to do…….

  4. What BS! As a T2 diabetic… it’s the LECTINS & OXALATES that causes imbalances in the gut biome that is the direct feedback to the Liver and the Hypothalamus feedback to insulin uptake/production and cellular receptors! Eat lower caloric diet with low OXALATES that interferes with trace minerals uptake and LECTINS that directly destroys endothelial cells in the liver, vascular and circulatory systems including heart, and all other organs including the ph of the blood! Try this way of eating for a week and see for yourself how inflammation disappears and ATP energy levels up-tic significantly! What’s more, Einkorn, Kamut and Emmer ancient wheats have 14 genes but the hybrid strain of today’s (think fast foods which is WHY the government sanctioned it in the 1950’s for “guess who Ronald” with 42 genes which humans (animals too) haven’t the enzyme’s to digest this poison so it stores it away as FAT in the liver (hence type 2 and eventually Type 1 diabetes is the outcome along with a host of gastrointestinal disease because the good gut biome is poisoned too) …. So make the puzzle connections!!! Please!!!

  5. why is it so hard for you Thomas to wear nice long sleeves and trousers like Simon who looks much more sexy and cool. Don't complain if ppl are confusing you with V Shred

  6. I was low carb+ fasting for many years. Initially it helped to fight off the sugar/flour addiction and to loose some weight. But as the time past, it was more and more difficult to maintain – I felt always hungry, fought it with coffee and got addicted to it. I started to have episodes of over-eating. Gained some fat weight and the worst of it LDL went to 140 (well what to expect after eating too much cheese, and 4 eggs per day). Started to look for the way out. Listened to Simon's podcasts, Rich Roll, D. Sinclair, bought Gregrer's How not to die. Decided to try whole foods plant based approach. I was not eating much meat anyways, so just ditched eggs and diary. Still eating moderate carbs (beans, lentils, oats, buckwheat), so no bread, pasta, etc. Also still eating in 20-4 principle (eating between 9 am – 1 pm). What surpriced me, that I am not hungry, although am in calorie deficit. Also I am not tired/sleepy after meals, which was always the case recently. Losing some fat as well. Let's see where it will bring me.

  7. insulin resistance / diabetes type 2 starts in the L cells. the liver has nothing to do with it. it does what is has to do, coming from excess glucagon.
    with a vegan approach, you just have more fiber and squeeze out more from the L cells.
    but the real deal is fasting to create more intestinal stem cells to get more working L cells.
    if you have more output from the L cells, diabetes type 2 / chronic insulin resistance goes away.

  8. This guy is a quack. The USA SAD is proof of the High Carb, Low Fat experiment. How about wearing a CGM and measure insulin levels instead of the black magic.

  9. The calories in, calories out model does not account for the body hormone response to macro nutrients.

    The calories in, calories out model is outdated

  10. Either you go clean whole food high carb , very low saturated fat

    Or low carb , low saturated fat

    Either way, saturated fat is the item to reduce despite the fact that no study has produced a result that saturated fat causes cardio vascular events or T2D

    Humans have been eating saturated fats and animal proteins for millennia and T2D wasn’t a thing like it is in past 30 years

  11. Can you define what is considered a “low carb diet”? I’m currently eating “modified keto”; 10% carbs (48 grams), 25% protein (121 grams), and 65% healthy fat (139 grams). I’ve been seeing my blood trending in the right direction but have hit a bit of a plateau on weight reduction which is highlighting the importance of exercise. I don’t have Type II diabetes but should signs of NAFLD and what a good macronutrient mix would be to reverse this?

  12. Weird, this doesn’t track with what happened to my husband and I. He was biking 30 km 3-4 x per week summers. He was also pounding gels and was 26 lbs overweight. He had NAFLD. Doc said lose weight. We focused on the grain part of the pyramid, no sugar (baked goods) but ate lots of bread pasta grains, low fat, whole foods, moderate protein, but he still did gels on rides and we did like a chocolate bar or crunchy snack evenings. It was a disaster and made it worse for both of us. Found out about keto and switched gears June 2018. Insulin resistance reversed, weight lost, NAFLD reversed, triglycerides corrected, HDL increased, yes LDL also increased. When we were getting sick, We did not consume much saturated fat or any fat at all, skinless boneless chicken, no butter on veg, no bacon, we ate a lot of grains category. This saturated fat hypothesis does not fit for how we got worse health.

  13. The key takeaways are:

    1. **Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes**: Insulin resistance occurs when cells in the body become less responsive to insulin, leading to high blood sugar levels and potentially resulting in type 2 diabetes if not managed properly.

    2. **Role of Visceral Fat**: Visceral or ectopic fat, particularly in the liver, pancreas, and muscle tissue, plays a significant role in developing insulin resistance. This type of fat is harmful due to its location and the metabolic disturbances it causes.

    3. **Twin Cycle Hypothesis**: Roy Taylor's hypothesis suggests that the cycle of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes begins with fat accumulation in the liver and progresses to pancreatic dysfunction, highlighting the interconnected nature of hepatic fat and metabolic health.

    4. **Diet and Lifestyle Management**: Key strategies to combat insulin resistance include maintaining a healthy diet rich in unsaturated fats and minimally processed carbohydrates, regular physical activity, stress management, and achieving a sustainable calorie deficit for weight loss.

    5. **Importance of Dietary Quality**: Managing glucose and reducing liver and visceral fat involves focusing on the quality of carbohydrates and reducing intake of refined sugars, ultra-processed foods, and saturated fats.

    6. **Personalized Nutrition**: Finding a sustainable diet that works for an individual is crucial, with some benefiting from low-carb or low-fat diets. Personalization is key to achieving a calorie deficit and ideal body weight for reducing visceral fat and managing type 2 diabetes.

    7. **Exercise and Weight Management**: Resistance training is recommended after a period of calorie restriction to prevent weight regain and preserve lean mass. Exercise should be tailored to individual preferences and lifestyle to ensure sustainability.

    8. **Comprehensive Approach to Health**: Beyond diet and exercise, managing stress, sleep quality, and interpersonal relationships are essential for overall health and effective weight management.

    9. **Simon Hill's Insights**: Emphasizes resistance training, moderate saturated fat intake, and prioritizing unsaturated fats. Hill advocates for a balanced approach to macronutrients and underscores the importance of lifestyle factors in achieving health goals.

    10. **Sustainable Health Practices**: The ultimate goal is to find a balanced, sustainable approach to diet, exercise, and lifestyle that not only addresses insulin resistance and metabolic health but also supports overall well-being.

  14. Thomas is doing some great work although I've shifted from the low-carb ketosphere because it harmed my numbers. I found super low saturated and lowish fat overall the best for the insulin resistance I had a few years ago. Keto actually made AST level ping fatty liver. I'm all good now with great numbers including fasting insulin down at 2, much better liver enzymes and ideal BMI sitting near 10% body fat..

    However, my younger brother is massively overweight and has fatty liver. He's on the autism spectrum so trying to advise him on healthy eating. I think super low fat overall would be best, but requires so much food prep because whole food good carbs require so many veggies. High fat, low carb may be easier for him, but his cholesterol is high and this may help reduce weight short-term and help reduce liver fat, but long-term is likely not good.

  15. Simon is the best!!! I recall so many times posting on your videos referencing Professor Roy Taylor’s work to push back and refute some of your questional claims about the cause of T2D Thomas, but it appeared to fall on deaf ears I am glad you invited Simon to further speak to it, as it may make more sense to you now, no offense!

  16. We should count our blessings in that we live in a day and age with so much food at our fingertips that we have to navigate a dense maze of how to eat. People used to have few choices and spent much of their time looking for food.
    I know thin people here in the US that have been diagnosed with NAFLD. That shows you the power of pop tarts, pizza, crackers, fruit juices, candy and American breads and cereals, to name just a few. I see active, thin people eating these three meals per day, every day.

  17. Sorry, but in the school of life (7 decades), I've seen people lose a pile of weight rapidly and keep it off (very rare). Most people do gain all that weight back and then some.
    And the ones who keep it off after losing rapidly look to have aged ten years. I'm not sure why.
    My diabetic friend, who was once as wide as she is tall, lost the weight over five years and she looks a good twenty years younger. I maintain that something about rapid weight loss ages you.

  18. The mechanism of Insulin as the Fat storage hormone, which is released from eating sugars and starches.
    He keeps focusing on saturated fat which is always the Vegan talking point.
    Vegans and Vegetarians, is you look at the Indian culture who embraces this eating lifestyle, they have one of the highest Diabetes stats compared to other cultures, it’s obvious these high carb diets are the cause.
    The studies he references I’m sure are paid for by fake meat companies!

  19. Thank you for this discussion. Great guest. I’m encouraged by the idea that there are many different diets that can be effective. But one question about fats. I’ve read that there is a night and day difference between natural saturated fats like in butter, beef fat, and lard as opposed to factory made hydrogenated fats. Do you see that in the research? It seems like an important distinction to me.

    I’ve been following a low-carb diet for a few years, and more recently, fasting/intermittent fasting. I’ve lost over 100 pounds and brought my A1c from 13.9 to 5.4. I’m still on 500mg of Metformin, but should discontinue that soon. I’m 66 and feel better than when I was 36.

    Statin drugs about killed me, and made it impossible to do weight training, a few years ago. But I've been slowly regaining my strength now that I stopped taking those. To any old dudes out there, never quit, never give up.

  20. Insulin resistance comes when the cell resists the insulin receptor. This happens after TRPV1 has force fed glucose into cells as insulin stimulates TRPV1 and TRPV1 does not use the insulin receptor to put glucose into the cell. Additionally, too much TRPV1 stimulation on the mitochondrial membrane causes reactive oxygen species production in excess of the cell’s antioxidant reserves including lipid oxidation (oxLDL). Too much calcium influx into mitochondria damages the mitochondria and leads to apoptosis of the cell.
    Glp-1RA stimulate the g-protein coupled receptor that lowers the threshold for stimulation of TRPV1.
    Supplements such as dietary capsaicin in capsules and drugs such as the antiseizure drug oxcarbazepine up-regulate TRPV1.
    A study of PCOS women with metabolic syndrome were treated with capsazepine a TRPV1 antagonist and selenium an antioxidant and their lipid oxidation resolved.

  21. Wow! A 45 min discussion on insulin resistance and not a single mention of hyperinsulinemia…the guest went from insulin resistance at the level of the liver to basically adult onset type I diabetes from pancreas burn out…what?? How bout the fact that almost all obese patients who don’t have type II diabetes have elevated fasting insulin levels (I have yet to see an obese patient that does not) and that most of the negative consequences of insulin resistance stem directly from elevated insulin (hypertension, heart disease, increased cancer risk, etc).
    Also, I think we need to take any weight loss study or insulin resistance study that is not looking at body composition, with a grain of salt. All the studies for GLP-1 agonists showed successful weight loss but now that many of those patients are being followed up with Dexa scans, it is clear that most of the weight lost was lean mass. Isn’t it interesting that GLP-1 drugs also raise insulin 🤔?? You may be able to lose weight on any kind of diet that creates a caloric deficit, but if you don’t lower insulin in some way or another, you will have a much harder time losing fat mass. This should be the main goal of anyone with insulin resistance!

  22. just wondering why not interview someone like ben bikman on that topic who is actually a professional on that topic? just a generalisation but I found vegan influencers to cherry pick research on the whole to support their anti meat attitude. But you should get specialists on the topic to talk about the topic. How is insulin resistance measured? what exactly are we talking about when we say 'insulin resistance' some mean pre diabetes? Only in lab tests can you accurately measure 'insulin resistance'. So lets say its 'pre diabetes' well there's a ton of stuff on that "Insulin Resistance & Prediabetes' on the NIDDK – National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and kidney diseases, including how to reverse it. calories and exercise – so basically carbon in, carbon out.

  23. I cut out carbs to only eating 10 grams per day and started having heart palpitations and became dizzy when doing moderate hikes. I HAVE to eat carbs but I make sure to eat the healthy carbs.

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